Word Of the Year Insecure Writer’s Support Group #IWSG

The awesome co-hosts for the January 4 posting of the IWSG are Jemima Pett, Debs Carey, Kim Lajevardi, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, and T. Powell Coltrin!

January 4 question – Do you have a word of the year? Is there one word that sums up what you need to work on or change in the coming year? For instance, in 2021 my word of the year was Finish. I was determined to finish my first draft by the end of the year. In 2022, my word of the year was Ease. I want to get my process, systems, finances, and routines where life flows with ease and less chaos. What is your word for 2023? 

I’ve seen this same idea in a couple of places this year, and I have to wonder if it’s a sneaky way to get people to commit to a New Year’s Resolution. Which I don’t do.

But I can commit to a word.


Last year was filled with endings and beginnings. In the turmoil, I often forgot to just breathe. I needed to let things happen and then let go, instead of holding on to them and forcing them down a path they didn’t want to go. That was last year.

This year, I’m going to go with the flow. Enjoy the moments life offers me. Breathe in. Breathe out.


What’s your word?

Catching Up on Goals #IWSG

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

December 7 question – It’s holiday time! Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals?

The awesome co-hosts for the December 7 posting of the IWSG are Joylene Nowell Butler, Chemist Ken, Natalie Aguirre, Nancy Gideon, and Cathrina Constantine!

I retired from my day job this past summer, and am slowly discovering the joys of not having deadlines—at least, not many of them. There are still bills to pay and doctors’ appointments to keep, but I can arrange my life so I don’t have to worry about three conflicting deadlines all on the same day. Shoot, sometimes my biggest concern is what day I’m going to the grocery store!

But I finished my first draft of my WIP last night, (The Redemption of Jake Hennessey) so now it’s time to consider some self-imposed goals. There’s a con I’ve been accepted to as a vender next June, and I’d like to have the book edited and ready to go by then. That’s six months away, but a lot of work has to happen between now and then.

Thankfully, I don’t have any catching up to do. Yes, I’ve been in the position where I used the holidays to catch up on my writing, but I no longer have to do that. If I can get a chapter a day edited, I’ll be ahead. It’s an amazing feeling. (and yes, I know I should let the story sit for a week or two before I start editing, but I won’t.)

I suspect most of the folks on this hop don’t enjoy the same benefit as I am enjoying. To find out if they write over the holidays, don’t forget to check out the posts below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

Going on a Binge #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dec 5, 2022

What TV show/or Movie, or book do you binge/return to/ re-watch the most?

If you’ve hung out here for any amount of time, you already know I don’t watch TV. Oh, I might stop and watch a few minutes of the news or whatever my husband is watching, but I rarely plan time to watch any show. Last time I did was over five years ago. 

Books are a different story. In the past few years, I’ve moved my go-to gift item from jewelry to books. (And since I retired, I rarely wear jewelry.) 

But I’m allowed to make exceptions, right? I stumbled across the now-ended series ‘Lucifer’. It seemed like fun. Best part was, I didn’t have to wait week after week for the next episode or the next season. It was all neatly wrapped up and waiting on Netflix. (I have to remember to close that account now!) So, I watched it. Sometimes three of four episodes in a day. It was my reward to me for making it through all the hard work and stress that came with moving halfway across the country. 

I haven’t picked up any new shows to watch. I got it out of my system.

I haven’t gotten binging on books out of my system. Hopefully, I never will. My latest binge was a dozen books in the Stephanie Plum series (and a few offshoots.) That put me up to book twenty-two of the series. Now, I’m taking a break, spending spare time on holiday preparations. (And binging on editing The Redemption of Jake Hennessey. I’ve never had the luxury of focusing on editing on of my books before because my day job required most of my attention.) 

What book/ series do I return to the most? At the moment, none. My taste in authors is changing. Or maybe it’s because so many authors have allowed their series to stretch out too long and the books come off as rehashing the same story. I’m more interested in discovering new (to me, at least) authors. (That goes for me, too. It’s time to start writing a new series of books.)

And I keep promising myself that I will read at least one book from each of the authors who contribute on regularly to this hop. I’m trying to develop new habits and make better use of my abundance of free time. The internet is a wonderful and terrible way to waste that time.

Do you have any suggestions that I should add to my to-be-read list? Leave them in the comments, please. 

Don’t forget to check out what the other authors on this hop are watching/reading by following the links below.

And, as always, until next time, please stay safe.

Dec 5, 2022

What TV show/or Movie, or book do you binge/return to/ re-watch the most?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Happy NaNoWriMo! #IWSG

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!November 2’s optional question – November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not?


The awesome co-hosts for the November 2 posting of the IWSG are Diedre Knight,Douglas Thomas Greening,Nick Wilford, and Diane Burton!

I first took part in National Novel Writer’s month back in 2011- maybe? It was my second attempt at writing a book and I got to 49,000 words and ran out of story. (The goal is 50,000 words.) I did go back after the month was over and edit the story to try to get more words, and make it a better story. I even rewrote it in a different tense and then switched it back again. But I eventually realized the story was too derivative of someone else’s work and gave it up.

That story also hooked me on writing novels. I’d been writing poetry up to that point, and the new form let loose a flood of creativity.

That wasn’t my only attempt. I have ‘won’ a couple of years. And I’ve gotten a couple of decent stories out of it. There have been others that were backburnered because they didn’t satisfy me, but they were good practice.

NaNo is not for everyone. It’s a lot of work-writing that many words can be stressful. You have to turn off your inner editor and let the words speak for themselves. It can also be a lot of fun, watching your story take shape every day.

I’m not participating this year because I’m 50,000+ words into my current WIP and I don’t want to stop and lose my flow. (At 48,000 words, the story took a twist I wasn’t expecting and I’m enjoying where it’s leading me.)

So for those of you trying to meet the 50,000 word goal this year, good luck and congratulations!

Don’t forget to checkout some of the other entries in this blog hop by following the links below.

And, until next time, please stay safe!


One Genre To Bind Them All #IWSG

It’s time for another post for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. 
The awesome co-hosts for the October 5 posting of the IWSG are Tonja Drecker, Victoria Marie Lees, Mary Aalgaard, and Sandra Cox!

This month’s question:
What do you consider the best characteristics of your favorite genre?

First off, I would like to protest. I’m only allowed to have one favorite genre? That seems totally unfair to the wide variety of books I read. I have to pick one? Well, okay. I pick science fiction.

Here’s why. I love me some well-written, old-fashioned, world-building science fiction. But I also love that it has become the base for many genres. That may be its best characteristic. It’s used as the backdrop for everything from romance to mysteries to suspense to fantasy. There are even stories centered around pets in space. But I haven’t seen an Amish romance in a science-fiction setting yet. Someone tell me in the comments if I’m wrong!

(By the way, I’m not forgetting that fantasy used to be a sub-category of science fiction. Full circle and all that.) 

What about you? What’s the best characteristic of your favorite genre? Tell us in the comments. Don’t forget to check out some of the other authors on this hop by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.


The Horror Of It #IWSG


Welcome to another month of the Insecure Writers’ Support Group, whose purpose is to share an encourage. The awesome co-hosts for the September 7 posting of the IWSG are Kim Lajevardi, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguirre, Olga Godim, Michelle Wallace, and Louise – Fundy Blue!

September 7 question – What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why.
The one genre I have no interest in reading and would never tackle writing is horror. The why is simple-I do most of my reading for entertainment, and I find nothing entertaining in stories about humans getting joy out of hurting other humans. Sure, I know there are lots of other aspects of horror, but I just don’t like the genre. And, since I write for personal fulfillment and enjoyment, I’d never use my limited writing time on a subject that I don’t appreciate.
I also wouldn’t try science fiction, but that’s because I don’t feel up to the task. I just don’t feel I could do a good job with the genre. My current WIP is set twenty years in the future, and that’s tough enough. I don’t have a crystal ball to reveal what subtle changes we might see in our daily lives by then and am trying to project based on what had changed in my lifetime.
There’s one genre I’ve tried unsuccessfully and I may try again – romance. Sure, I write with a touch of romance in my stories, but action is the primary component. My few attempts at writing a full-length romance have been unsatisfactory and I have shelved them. But who knows, I might try again.
That’s it for me. But there are plenty of other authors on this hop. Check out the list below. And, until next time, please stay safe.
Note: I lost track on myself and posted this last week- way to early! So if you are here again, it’s not your imagination, and thank you! 

Giving The Readers What They Want #IWSG

The awesome co-hosts for the August 3 posting of the IWSG are Tara Tyler, Lisa Buie Collard, Loni Townsend, and Lee Lowery!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.

August 3 question – When you set out to write a story, do you try to be more original or do you try to give readers what they want?

This doesn’t have to be an either/or question. The best answer is both—that being original is what your readers expect. But the more realistic answer lies somewhere in-between. It depends upon the story.
For the Harmony Duprie Mysteries, I wrote each book to meet certain expectations. Each story would have an element of humor, there’d be little in the way of blood and gore, and Harmony’s peculiar style of logic would somehow lead her to solve the mystery. In the Free Wolves books, I tried to make each story original, with only a vague tie-in across the series. The main theme between them lay in a strong female lead, and that left a lot of area to be explored.
Then there is The Fall of Jake Hennessey. Written as a prequel to the Harmony books, it pays frequent tribute to the events in the series, but is written from a different point of view. (Jake’s.) It was an interesting challenge—how to be original when the ending had already been written and I couldn’t take liberties with the timeline?
One more point. Most authors want to write a story they enjoy. They are writing for themselves as much as they are writing for their readers. If they enjoy the story, they’ll do a better job writing it.
Don’t forget to check out some of the other authors on this loop by following the links below. And, as  always, please stay safe until the next time!

When The Going Gets Tough-June #IWSG

Welcome to another month of the Insecure Writers’ Support Group Blog Hop.

Thank you to the awesome co-hosts for the June 1 posting of the IWSG: SE White, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguire, Joylene Nowell Butler, and Jacqui Murray!

June 1 question – When the going gets tough writing the story, how do you keep yourself writing to the end? If have not started the writing yet, why do you think that is and what do you think could help you find your groove and start?

I’m a pantser – that means I don’t plan my stories out before I start writing. I may have a sketchy idea of what I want to say, but I ‘discover’ what happens as I write.

Most of the time. That also means that sometimes I get stuck along the way. Who am I kidding? I get stuck lots! How do I keep myself writing towards the end?

There are two techniques I use. The first one is to go back and read what I’ve already written. Just read. That frequently puts me back in touch with my characters and shows me where the story wants to head next. But it isn’t perfect. Sometimes I have to take it an additional step and start editing.

That puts me in touch with the deep core of the story as I prune and cut words and sentences I don’t need. Even whole scenes may disappear. What I’m left with is stronger, hopefully more compelling, and clears the path to move on in my story.

As far as not getting started writing? My problem is finding the ‘right’ place to start. I think it took me six attempts to find the beginning of my WIP. What started out as a full chapter is less than a page of a prologue. I’ve got a few other stories waiting in the wings that I’ve written and re-written the first few paragraphs but don’t feel as if I have a good grasp on the story yet.

And don’t forget – that ‘rule’ about writing every day is only a suggestion. It can be good to put your pen down for a day or two and allow your story and you to have a break. Life can interfere with the creative process, and it’s okay to acknowledge that.

At least that’s how I see it. Check out  the suggestions of some other authors. Just follow the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe!

The Best of Times, The Worst of Times #IWSG


Welcome to the May edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group  blog hop.

The awesome co-hosts for the May 4 posting of the IWSG are Kim Elliott, Melissa Maygrove, Chemist Ken, Lee Lowery, and Nancy Gideon!

May 4 question – It’s the best of times; it’s the worst of times. What are your writer highs (the good times)? And what are your writer lows (the crappy times)

I’ll start with the good stuff. Writing “The End” on a manuscript I’ve fought with for a year. Sure, now comes editing, but at least I can pat myself on the back. Or finding the solution to a plot hole that had been eluding me, or a part of a character’s personality that makes the story stronger.

Then there are the compliments coming from the beta reader. Sure, they are sprinkled with suggestions for improvements, but at least they don’t hate the story. Somedays, that’s all I can ask for.

Maybe the best thing is that first 5-star review left by a fan. Even 4 1/2 stars are enough to lift the spirit. Heck, any review feels like I’ve won a prize. 

What’s the low point? When the book I’ve poured my heart into writing isn’t an instant best seller. In  fact, it barely gets noticed. That’s all I’m going to say about that.

Don’t forget to check out the posts from some of the other authors by following the links below.

And, as always, until next time, please stay safe!


To Write or Not to Write #IWSG


March 2 question – Have you ever been conflicted about writing a story or adding a scene to a story? How did you decide to write it or not?

The awesome co-hosts for the March 2 posting of the IWSG are Janet Alcorn, Pat Garcia, Natalie Aguirre, and Shannon Lawrence!

Someone’s been reading my journal!

When I finished writing my last release, The Ranger’s Dog Tags, I was sure I was done writing the series, The Harmony Duprie Mysteries, and its characters. It felt good. I was ready to move along to a new series and a new challenge.

Then Jake happened.

Jake was one of the secondary characters in the series. Although he appeared in all six books, and attempted to take over a time or two, I never got a good handle on him. It turns out he was waiting for his chance. He wanted me to write his story.

I had my doubts about it and wasn’t sure where he would take me. I figured it would be a short story, and didn’t know what I’d do with it. But, to get him out of my system, I started writing. And it turned into a book.

And I thought, okay, that was fun. But it was a different genre than I’ve written previously, and I didn’t know if it was any good. Or if I should spend time revising it. I wasn’t comfortable with it. Jake insisted.

Then he demanded I put it through a critique group, and it became a stronger story. And nudged me to send it off to my editor. Still, I wasn’t committed.

My cover artist designed a brilliant cover, and I realized I couldn’t put off a decision. Yet, I procrastinated.

Last Saturday, I took the plunge, and revealed a release date in my newsletter. I’m still not 100% sure I know what I am doing. I’m as nervous about this book as I was about my first one. But on April 2, 2022, The Fall of Jake Hennessey will be available.

Since you’ve made it this far, it’s only fair that I give you a hint about what the book is about.  So here’s the blurb:

Jake Hennessey deals in selling fine jewelry of an illegal nature. The thrill of getting away with it is his personal addiction. When he hears a rumor about a rare old book in the personal collection of a small-town librarian, he gets the urge to try a new game.

After all, even jewel thieves get bored.

But the librarian, Harmony Duprie, isn’t what he expected and the challenge becomes serious business.

In order to win, Jake’s going to have to play by a new set of rules—and make them up as he goes along—because this time, he’s playing for the rest of his life.

Don’t forget to check out the other authors on this hop. Just follow the links below.

And, as always, until next time, please stay safe.