Let It Snow! Fires and Halloween #OpenBook Blog Hop


October 26, 2020

Halloween/Fall is coming, do you celebrate? What does that look like? Is it different this year? 

My answer for this week’s prompt has changed today from what it would have been yesterday. You see, after a glorious but short fall, winter is already here.

Growing up in Pennsylvania, a light snowfall before Halloween was part of the tradition. Our costumes would allow us to wear light jackets or sweaters when we made the rounds through the neighborhood. Ghosts were a popular choice. 

As an adult, the years I spent in Oregon and Florida were different. Costumes were more elaborate and kids and parents put more effort into them, (Or spent more money on them!) and I loved handing out treats and taking our children to collect theirs. The biggest worry was was the rain. Luckily, umbrellas are a thing.

Here in Wyoming, the weather is a guessing game.  After warm temperatures earlier this week, we’re in the middle of a winter storm, with 10 inches of snow predicted. I think we’ve received closer to a foot, (the drifts make it hard to tell) and it’s supposed to snow for a few more hours. I shoveled out the driveway this morning to take my son to work, but by later afternoon, it had already filled back in.

I’m not complaining about the snow. We have several major forest fires in the area, and the snow will help get them under control. The fires have shut down Rocky Mountain National Park, required evacuations, and many people have lost their homes. If you haven’t heard of them, check out the Cameron Peak and East Troublesome Fires. I mentioned a few weeks ago about some of my favorite parts of the world burning, and it’s only gotten worse.

Back to Halloween. The hubby and I were discussing whether to participate this year. (The city hasn’t shut it down.) But the numbers of people infected with the virus-that-shall-not-be-named is skyrocketing locally, and we never got that many kids anyway. 

So, sadly, this year we are skipping Halloween. Oh, I’ll keep a bag of candy handy in case some brave kids stop by, but I suspect we’ll end up eating most of it. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. Maybe by next year, things will settle down and we can enjoy the holiday again.

How about you? How are you handling Halloween this year? You’re welcome to share in the comments. I’ll be waiting for you! In the meantime, you can also check out what our other authors are doing by following the links below.

Until next time, stay safe.

October 26, 2020

Halloween/Fall is coming, do you celebrate? What does that look like? Is it different this year?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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He Said, She Said: Embracing Dialogue #OpenBook Blog Hop


October 19, 2020

Do you embrace dialog or narrate your way around it? Why?

“Evening, Ms. Duprie,” he said, as he took the brim of his hat between his thumb and index finger for the briefest of moments. “Welcome back.”  from The Marquesa’s Necklace

And welcome (or welcome back) to all of you! 

I couldn’t resist. Despite recently coming across a “rule” that you should never start a book with dialogue (does that count for blog posts, too?) I had to do it. Open with dialogue, that is. 

Because yes, I’ve fully embraced dialogue in my stories. Because no matter how well-written, it’s hard to read page after page of prose with long paragraphs and few breaks. For me, anyway. I used to be able to do it, but my mind doesn’t work that way anymore. And if I can’t read it, I certainly don’t want to write it.

That doesn’t mean I ignore narrative prose. I also don’t want to read page after page of dialogue, like reading a script for a play.  The trick is in finding a balance between the two. And using that balance to move the story along. 

The first thing I noticed when walking into my apartment was the afghan I kept on the back of the recliner. It was on the floor and hadn’t been like that when I left. “So who’s been sitting in my chair?” I asked. “Eli?” I called hopefully to no response.

Then I noticed the dirty dishes in my kitchen sink. “So who’s been eating my porridge?” I whispered to myself. Surely a thief wouldn’t have stopped to make himself a sandwich.

I tip-toed down the hallway, holding my breath. The bathroom was empty, but my bedroom door was partially closed. I carefully pushed it open and peeked inside. A familiar head nestled on my pillow. “So that’s who’s been sleeping in my bed.”  from Her Ladyship’s Ring

That was a fun scene to write. Even though the dialogue was one-sided, it moved the plot forward.

It can be tough to write dialogue for more than two people in the scene. The standard “he said” or “she said” dialogue tags don’t work when there’s more than one he or she.  That’s when the use of actions and descriptions come into play. 

“You waiting for someone?” a gruff voice asked to my right.
“My ride,” I answered blandly, without looking up. I didn’t want to show any interest.
“The night is young,” came a second voice from my left.
I was in trouble. The voices held no hint of helpfulness. “And I have an early morning. So it’s time for me to go home.”
“Don’t you want to party with us?” The smell of alcohol lingered heavily on the first man’s breath.
“No thanks.”
The man on the left reached out and grabbed my arm. “Sure you do.” from The Baron’s Cufflinks

The rules are different for non-fiction and screenwriting, of course. We have at least one screenwriter in this group and I’m looking forward reading to her post. (You can follow the links below to find the other posts)

One more thing before I go. I checked twice, and either dialog or dialogue are acceptable spellings according to the grammar police. So, let’s not start that argument! 

Until next time, stay safe!

October 19, 2020

Do you embrace dialog or narrate your way around it? Why?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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My Favorite Fruit Dish #OpenBook Blog Hop

October 12, 2020

What is your favorite fruit dish? Can you share a recipe for it? Do you include food in your stories? While we’re talking about food, pumpkin, yea or nay?

Throw a bunch of different kinds of fresh melons (cut up in chunks) into a big bowl. Add some blueberries and a sliced-up  banana. Skip the grapes. Scoop out enough to fill an average cereal bowl. There you go. We’re done.

Oh, You were looking for an actual recipe? Well, I was going to reveal the secret to this great ‘pie’ made with blueberry and cherry pie fillings, and  cream cheese and a other goodies, but it’s been a few years since I made it and I can’t find the recipe. 

So, let me tell you about Mrs. Sherman’s Berry Cobbler.

Mrs. Sherman was this sweet little old lady my hubby and I rented from for a few years. None of her kids lived nearby, and  we kind of adopted each other. We helped her with her yard work, she’d give us a break on rent. We helped her with her vegetable garden, she gave us space to grow our own veggies. We maintained her apple trees and got to share in the fruit.  Come harvest time, we swapped the results of our efforts. Sometimes, we’d invite her for supper and she’d fall asleep on our couch watching TV. Anyway, this was a recipe she shared.

Image by Beverly Buckley from Pixabay

Mrs. Sherman’s Berry Cobbler (Best made with the wild blackberries that grew alongside the edge of the garden)

preheat oven to 350°F

1/4 cup soft butter (Can use shortening but the butter is better)

1/2 cup sugar

Cream together until light and fluffy.

1 cup sifted flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

Sift together and stir into butter/sugar mixture, alternating with 1/2 cup milk. Beat until smooth and pour into a greased oblong pan.

Over this batter, spoon 1 1/2 cups washed and drained berries of your choice. (or more, if you want, depending upon the size of your pan.) Sprinkle 1/2 cup sugar over the berries, then pour 1 cup berry juice over the whole thing. Bake about 45 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched. Enjoy!

Now, do I include food in my stories? Absolutely. I haven’t shared any recipes, but so much of my dialogue occurs over meals or snacks, it’s only natural. That, and Harmony, my main character in the Harmony Duprie Mysteries. does a lot of cooking for herself to save money. The food she had pre-made and frozen for her meals  became a minor plot point in Her Ladyship’s Ring.

Almost cheerful after talking to Eli, I headed home. My stomach growled as I unlocked the door to my apartment and pushed it open, reminding me the only thing I’d eaten at the Flamingo were peanuts. The package of frozen lasagna thawing in the fridge awaited me. Although leftover lasagna always tasted better when I rewarmed it in the oven, the microwave would have to do for once.

After flipping on the light, tossing my purse on the easy chair and hanging my coat on the coat tree, I headed towards the kitchen. As I filled a glass with water from the pitcher I kept in the refrigerator, I hesitated. Where did the package of lasagna go? I was sure I’d put it on the second shelf, right under the water.

“I must be losing my ‘friggin mind,” I muttered and set the glass on the cupboard to free my hands. Either that, or I was still asleep and dreamed the whole thing. Not like I believed either one. Still, I moved aside everything from the front of the shelves and opened every drawer, and didn’t find what I was looking for. I did find an out-of-date yogurt container, which I promptly tossed in the garbage, but no lasagna.

Puzzled, I opened up the freezer. Maybe it had been just my imagination. But no, there was an empty spot right where the package had been.

I considered the mystery as I warmed up a can of tomato soup, even checking the garbage to make sure I hadn’t accidentally put the lasagna there. Sitting on top of the cereal box I’d emptied at breakfast, I spotted the balled up foil, all that remained of my lasagna.

While my soup cooled off, I rushed through the apartment, looking for something, anything, out of place or missing. I should have called 911 but experience told me they would find nothing. I certainly did. Even the ring was untouched and it was in plain view on my dresser.

Although I wasn’t hungry anymore, I couldn’t waste the soup. After reheating it, I sat at my kitchen table and ate the soup straight from the pot. No sense in dirtying another dish. Whoever had been inconsiderate enough to eat my supper had been considerate enough to wash their own dishes. The contradiction puzzled and annoyed me.

Find out more about Her Ladyships Ring here:  https://www.pjmaclayne.com/?page_id=245

As for pumpkin? Sure, in small amounts. It gets old fast.

Now, let’s go check what everyone has to say. Just follow the links below.

Until next time, stay safe!

October 12,2020

What is your favorite fruit dish? Can you share a recipe for it? Do you include food in your stories? While we’re talking about food, pumpkin, yea or nay?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Am I a Working Writer? #IWSG

October 7 question – When you think of the term working writer, what does that look like to you? What do you think it is supposed to look like? Do you see yourself as a working writer or aspiring or hobbyist, and if latter two, what does that look like?

If you followed the link from the Insecure Writer’s Group blog post to get here, there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of me. And you haven’t read any of the eight books I’ve published so far. But that doesn’t make me any less of a working writer.

I’m not making a living off my writing. Heck, I’m lucky if I break even when it comes to the end of the year. The number of people following me on any of the social media is low. But none of that diminishes the fact that I sit down at my computer on a regular basis and work to put words on paper.

And that’s what it takes for me to consider myself a working writer. I’m trying. Well, I’m more than trying. I’m doing. I wrote four books before I wrote one I considered good enough to publish. And I didn’t feel any less of a writer while I was writing them.

Maybe you don’t write books. Maybe you write short stories or poems or blog posts. You’re still a writer. A working writer.

Not all of us will ever be traditionally published. Some of us don’t want to be. And that’s okay. That’s no longer the definition of a writer. The world is a lot bigger now. (And, at the same time, a lot smaller.) 

So, I go back to my previous statement. Are you putting words on paper? (Or the computer equivalent?) Congratulations. You’re a working writer.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The awesome co-hosts for the October 7 posting of the IWSG are Jemima Pett, Beth Camp, Beverly Stowe McClure, and Gwen Gardner!

Creating a Series Book Bible #OpenBook Blog Hop


October 5, 2020

When writing a sequel or series with the same characters, do you ever have to refer back to your first book because you forgot what you wrote about a certain character?

When I started writing The Marquesa’s Necklace, I didn’t expect for the book to turn into a series. Even halfway through the first draft, when I had an inkling there might be a second book, I didn’t expect to ever need to refer back to the first book. When Harmony convinced me to write a series, I had no idea what I was in for.

The second book, Her Ladyship’s Ring, wasn’t bad. Sure, I had to go back and verify descriptions here and there, but the first book was still fresh on my mind, so it wasn’t a lot of extra work.

But the third book in the series, The Baron’s Cufflinks, was interrupted by a story in the Free Wolves series. Tasha, from Wolves Pawn, demanded I write her story. Immediately. So, I did. And by the time I got back to Cufflinks, I’d lost track of details, and I had to refer back to books 1 and 2 on a regular basis. Things got complicated.

By the time I hit the fourth book in the Harmony Duprie series, I wished I had a book bible – a list of characters, descriptions, which books they were in,  whether they were good or bad. It was getting harder to keep track of names I’d used for minor characters. (I didn’t want to repeat them.) I started a list, but it wasn’t comprehensive. I added some to it working on The Samurai’s Inro, book 5, but it still wasn’t complete.

And here I am on book 6, The Ranger’s Dogtags. I thought it would be easier because I took Harmony out of Oak Grove and away from most of the continuing characters. But in typical Harmony fashion, things didn’t go as expected, and a character I thought I was done with from book 1 showed up.  And yes, I had to go back and look up the name and description.  You’ll have to wait to find out who.

But this is the last book in the Harmony Mysteries, (Well, for now) so I haven’t worked on the spreadsheet.  But, lesson learned. When I start my next story, I’ll keep track of characters as they come along.

Now, let’s find out what the other authors on this loop have to tell us. Just follow the links below.

Until next time, stay safe!

October 5, 2020

When writing a sequel or series with the same characters, do you ever have to refer back to your first book because you forgot what you wrote about a certain character?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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ChatAndSpin Radio Interview

My thanks go to Ron and Ian from ChatandSpin Radio for the great interview. If you missed it, I’ll be posting a link to the interview late  tomorrow (Saturday, Oct 3)  or Sunday.  In the meantime, you can take a listen to their station at ChatandSpinRadio.com. A great mix of 80’s music and a variety of guests. You can also follow them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/chatandspin.


And here’s the link https://chatandspinradio.com/listen-again/. I’m at about the 1:55 mark for the second half of Friday’s program. Take a listen.