Dreams, Nightmares, and the Art of Writing #OpenBook Blog Hop

April 25, 2022

Do dreams/nightmares influence your writing? Do you keep a notebook by your bed to write down ideas?

The spring rain had left puddles in the dirt road but she no longer tried to avoid them. Under other circumstances this would have been a pretty ride. The young pale green leaves not yet entirely covering the branches she brushed by glittered in the sun that had finally chased away the storm clouds. Even the fresh scent of the earth moistened by water was unable to mask the smell of the hot motor between her legs. She didn’t know how much longer the bike would last the way she was pushing the engine.

                                                                                                                                             Wolves’ Pawn

That’s the opening to my first book, Wolves’ Pawn, and yes, it was the result of a dream. I had no idea when I woke up where it would lead, but I sensed it couldn’t be ignored. So, I started writing.

Still, I lost part of the dream and had to work from scratch once I got past the opening scene. But that was okay, because the plot didn’t go where I’d anticipated.

“But, P.J.,” I hear you saying, “Why didn’t you write it down?”

I used to keep a paper and pen on my nightstand for just that reason. But the problem is — I’m a deep sleeper. If it’s not time to wake up, I don’t. The pen and paper do me no good. (When it is time to wake up, I’m awake, just like that.)

Most of the time, I don’t even remember my dreams. I might know I had a dream, but not any details. My memories don’t leave enough behind to form the foundation of a story. And boy, do I have some crazy dreams. How about a female PI chasing kidnappers around a cruise ship and up the hills in Italy? Or a wolf taking down a motorcyclist? Wait, that’s one’s a book.

So, I’ve given up on the whole idea of keeping a notebook on the nightstand. I never used it, anyway.

Now, my desk is a different story. Sitting here typing, I can count five notepads within easy reach, all different sizes. That way, I can grab one that’s the right size for the job.

How about our other authors? You can find out by following the links below to their posts.

As I say every week – until next time, please stay safe!

April 25, 2022

Do dreams/nightmares influence your writing? Do you keep a notebook by your bed to write down ideas?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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To Rise From The Depths of Despair #OpenBook Blog Hop

April 18, 2022

We all get discouraged at one time or another (or all the time!) in the process of writing. How do you defeat the feeling?

Most of us have those days. Days when it’s hard to put words on paper because there’s a chance no one will ever read them, or your inner voice says they aren’t good enough. Times when it’s tempting to give up. Days when books sales seem non-existent. I do.

How do I get past that? It can be tough.

I wish I had a fellow author living next door, someone to sit and talk writing with, but most of my communication with other authors is done via social media. Although it’s helpful, it isn’t the same as talking to them face-to-face. Still, any affirmation is helpful.

Another way to find support is on-line. Reading positive reviews from readers can help. Knowing that other people appreciate your work can be a boost to the ego. Or, at least, provide a temporary lift to the spirit.

But the best way I have found to fight despair is to go back and read my own work. It may not be well-known or award-winning or on the best-seller list, but it’s proof that I’ve accomplished something that not everyone can. I wrote a book. And it’s not bad. Actually, I’ve released ten now, and to see them lined up on a shelf is a thrill. Yes, I know there are plenty of people who have written more, but ten is nine more than I ever thought I’d write back when I first started.

One thing I remind myself on days when I an having a rough time – don’t take myself too seriously. I have a bad habit of doing that. 

Here’s where I should close with some marvelous deep and wise words of wisdom. But I’m not feeling particular wise today, so we’ll skip that. Instead, I’m going to head over to the other posts on this hop, to find out the secrets that others may share. Just follow the links below.

Until next time, please take care of yourself.

April 18, 2022

We all get discouraged at one time or another (or all the time!) in the process of writing. How do you defeat the feeling?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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All The Genres And I Have To Pick One? #OpenBook Blog hop

April 11, 2022

What is your favorite genre to read/watch (movies/tv)? Any book recommendations?

We’ve had this discussion before. But for those of you who don’t follow this blog, I’ll tell you now. I don’t watch TV, and I don’t remember that last movie I watched, and that was a couple of years ago. It might have been one of the Star Wars movies. Don’t worry, I won’t review it. Let’s just say it wasn’t one of my favorites. 

I enjoy a good sci-fi movie, although I won’t claim it as my favorite genres. In books, that honor goes to the sword and sorcery genre, (which used to be part of science fiction!) especially with female main characters. That may be where I learned my love of strong women characters who can hold their own and aren’t dependent on men as protectors. The Mercedes Lackey “Vows and Honor” series is an example.

But truthfully, I have a weakness for a well-written book of any genre, everything from a good romance to an engaging biography. I’ve even read Stephen Hawking, although that was a bit of a struggle. However, my definition of well-written has gotten more stringent over the years. That’s made it harder to find books I really love. Which is sad, really.

I considered skipping the next part of the question – any recommendations? – because the temptation is too great. But heck, I’ll do it, anyway.

You know I have a new book out, right? The Fall of Jake Hennessey. If you haven’t read it yet, you should pick up a copy. It features Jake Hennessey, the ‘bad boy’ of the Harmony Duprie Mysteries, at his best- and his worst. You can check it out HERE

Sales pitch over. Let’s go check out what the other authors’ favorite genres are. Just check out the links below. And, until next time we get together, please stay safe!

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April 11, 2022

What is your favorite genre to read/watch (movies/tv)? Any book recommendations?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

Venturing Into Audio Books #IWSG The Insecure Writers Support Group


April 6 question – Have any of your books been made into audio books? If so, what is the main challenge in producing an audiobook?
It’s the first Wednesday of April and time for another post for the Insecure Writer’s Support group. The awesome co-hosts for the April 6 posting of the IWSG are Joylene Nowell Butler, Jemima Pett, Patricia Josephine, Louise – Fundy Blue, and Kim Lajevardi!

At many book-signing events, I get asked if I have audio books. Sadly, the answer is no. I’ve looked into the possibility, but I can’t afford to do it right. My books aren’t selling enough copies to justify the expenditure.

I’m well aware that there are authors that can do it all — write, create covers, edit, and do their own audio. I’m not one of them. Frankly, I wouldn’t wish having to spend several hours of listening to my voice as I read one of my book on anyone. Heck, I don’t want to listen to myself for that long!

Of course, then throw in #Audiogate, (you know, another of Amazon’s ways to hurt authors) and the desire to publish audiobooks with them goes away. I have been watching Draft2Digital’s progress in the way of audiobooks as an alternative to Amazon.

For the authors on this hop who have published audio, more power to you! I hope you are selling oddles of books!

Thanks for stopping by. Don’t forget to check out other writer’s on this hop. Just follow a few of the links below. And, as always, until next time, please stay safe!


What Do Covers Have To Do With It? #OpenBook Blog Hop

April 4, 2022
Let’s discuss. “Let’s face it, books are judged by their covers.” —Whitney Hill

Your mother may have told you “Never judge a book by its cover,” but it’s the way of the world. Just ask an author who has changed their covers and then changed them again. And again.

Have you ever watched a person pick out a book at a bookstore or book signing event? The first thing they do is scan the cover and read the title. If that quick peek passes their inspection, they may pick up the book and read the back. If THAT passes their judgement, they’ll open the book, flip through the pages, and then either tuck it in the crook of their arm, or put it back on the shelf and move on.

Sorry authors, but it’s true. Unless a customer is looking for a particular book, that’s the way it works. All that hard work you put into the finding just the right words is secondary to the cover. At least, that’s true for the first of your books a customer reads. Once you’ve entertained them with your story, they may overlook a less-then-stellar cover for a second story, knowing what they will find inside will allow them to escape from the real world or expand their knowledge.

And that’s why we see shelves of the same cover repeated over and over with minor variations. You know, the half-naked brawny men with six-packs, the shadowy figure running from an explosion, young lovers embracing but not kissing? Marketing experts have decreed that’s what customers will buy, and we as authors must follow their advice. The sad part is, there’s a large measure of truth mixed in.

I’ve experienced this. The first covers I used for the Harmony Duprie series were meant to highlight the ‘fun’ part of the books. (You can see those covers here and here. Just scroll towards the bottom of each page.) Although my cover artist received many compliments on her work, I soon found out that they appealed to a younger age group than what I intended. That was one of the several reasons we changed them.

I also see it in action at book signing/cons/other events I’ve been a part of. Not just for my books, but for other authors as well. People will walk down the middle of an aisle to avoid eye contact/interaction with the vendors, including writers. The cover of a book is the only opportunity to reach potential buyers.

There a few exceptions to this. An appearance on traditional media can help. A well-done post on Facebook or other social media with a great snippet can attract potential readers, with or without a cover, and there’s always word of mouth. But these rarely bring an author long-term exposure. (unless they get lucky!)

What makes a brilliant cover? This is where I step aside. I don’t have the ‘eye’ to do design. Thank heavens for my cover artist! I’ve watched her do her magic, and while I understand what’s she doing, I couldn’t recreate it. Thanks, K.M.!

Now, on to find out what the other authors on this hop have to say. Just follow the links below. And, as always, until next time, please stay safe!

April 4, 2022
Let’s discuss. “Let’s face it, books are judged by their covers.” —Whitney Hill
1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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The Fall of Jake Hennessey #NewReleases #Suspense

This isn’t the kind of Harmony Duprie story you are used to – this is pure Jake Hennessey at his best – and his worst – in his own words and his point of view.

Tagline: Jake Hennessey is always on top of his game, anticipating the next big play…until Harmony Duprie changes everything.

I didn’t expect to write this book. Four or five years ago, I’d tried to write a short story from Jake’s point of view, but he wouldn’t talk to me. When I wrote “The End” after finishing The Ranger’s Dog Tags, I thought I was done with Harmony Duprie and her friends. But as I was doing research for a story featuring a female PI in Pittsburgh in the 1980s, Jake intruded. This book is the result.

Description: Jake Hennessey deals in selling fine jewelry of an illegal nature. The thrill of getting away with it is his addiction. When he hears a rumor about a rare old book in the personal collection of a small-town librarian, he gets the urge to try a new game.

After all, even jewel thieves get bored.

But the librarian, Harmony Duprie, isn’t what he expected and the challenge becomes serious business.

In order to win, Jake’s going to have to play by a new set of rules—and make them up as he goes along—because this time, he’s playing for the rest of his life.

Here’s a short excerpt:

The Bargen house was simple to break into. It was well-maintained, but Jake knew the tricks. The windows were the easiest point of entry once the family left to go to a concert. With the police busy controlling the crowds, the neighborhoods were unguarded.

The locked doors would be easy to pick, but that left behind traces a good cop would find. The first window Jake tried was firmly latched, and he didn’t want to break a window if he didn’t need to. But they’d left the kitchen window open a crack. He had to go through at an angle to get his shoulders through the narrow opening and use his arms to pull the rest of his body past the sink and onto the floor.

He waited a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness. Older people favored nightlights throughout their house. They gave him all the light he needed to work. There hadn’t been time to scope out the interior, so he crept from room to room to find the main bedroom.

The door stood open, but he slipped on the latex gloves he’d swiped from the motel before he entered. If he got lucky, the case and the brooch would be sitting on top of the dresser. He hoped Mrs. Bargen hadn’t worn it. But the cluttered tray held no jewelry box.

He worked quickly, opening and closing each drawer, not finding what he was looking for. The next place to check was the closet. He turned on the light and closed the door behind him. And hit paydirt.

The Fall of Jake Hennessey is available at the retailers below, and will soon be available with Nook Press, I hope you’ll pick up a copy today. If you enjoy it, please  leave a review, and thank you!



