Celebrating A Writing Achievement #OpenBook Blog Hop

July 1, 2024

Do you have a special way of celebrating when you finish writing a book?

Or other achievements in your journey? How do you reward yourself?

The day when you write ‘The End.’ Or send your manuscript off to your editor. Have your first look at the cover. Hold a print copy of the book for the first time. All of those are achievements are worth celebrating. How do you do it?

I’ve heard of authors going out to dinner, or enjoying their choice of an alcoholic beverage. Perhaps a bouquet of fresh flowers graces their desk. Some will take a vacation from writing to allow their muse to have a break.

But I’m not good at rewarding myself. I put so much energy into taking care of other people that I don’t leave enough for me. Yes, I know better, but don’t always practice what I preach.

How do I reward myself?

Sometimes I remember I deserve to celebrate, too. My reward? Dark chocolate. Not your standard, every day chocolate, but the pricey stuff. (Not the over-the-top, break-the-bank expensive variety. I have my limits.) A few pieces go a long way. I’m low-maintenance.

The other way I reward myself is with flowers. Not cut ones, but potted ones for outside. (I only plant a few shrubs because I have to protect them from the local deer.) I allow myself to splurge in the spring. The flowers may only last a season, but they bring me happiness every day for those few months. There’s no landscaping plan. I just buy whatever flowers catch my eye when we go shopping.

Now, these rewards aren’t tied to a specific event. I don’t keep a stash of chocolate handy waiting for am opportunity to celebrate an achievement. My willpower isn’t strong enough to keep me from raiding any chocolate I have tucked away. (Unless I bought it for a specific holiday. Then my ability to ignore the goodies is amazing.)

But back to celebrating my writing achievements.

A simple post on Facebook may be the only public acknowledgement I share. And that won’t be seen by more than a handful of people. I’m not good at all the publicity stuff.

How about the other authors on this hop? Do they reward themselves for their accomplishments, no matter how small? Find out by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.


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July 1, 2024

Do you have a special way of celebrating when you finish writing a book? Or other achievements in your journey? How do you reward yourself?

Favorite Film Genre and Favorite Book Genre #OpenBook Blog Hop

June 24, 2024

Does your favorite genre of film correspond with the genre you write in?

I can’t answer this question, because I don’t have a favorite genre of film.

If I had to pick one, it would be sci-fi. I enjoyed the Star Wars and Star Trek films. Even the Marvel films I’ve watched entertained me. (But I haven’t seen all of them.) Sci-Fi is also one of my favorite genres of books.

But as I’ve mentioned before, sci-fi is a genre I’ve never attempted to write. I don’t feel confident enough in my writing skills to make the attempt. Shoot, I felt like I was pushing it when I placed The Rise of Jake Hennessey twenty years in the future.

My favorite genre to write?

Mysteries. I love creating a puzzle that needs to be solved, and then writing all kinds of red herrings to throw the reader off. I may not even know the answer to the mystery until I get close to the end of the story. (Yes, I am a pantser. I don’t have my book plotted out before I start writing.)

But I can’t tell you the last movie I watched that was a mystery. There are plenty of TV shows that are mysteries, but movies? Maybe on streaming services, but in theatres? They may exist, but I don’t see any ads or hear any ‘buzz’ for them. (I’ve got mad skills for ignoring advertising, and I don’t watch TV.)

I also write urban fantasy/paranormal.

And I’ve never seen the Twilight movies. (Or read the books.) Same goes for The Hunger Games. I’ve read numerous other urban fantasy books, but the genre crosses into sci-fi, so that makes sense.

Let’s find out what genres of film the other authors on this hop claim as their favorite, by following the links below. (Most links will show up on Monday.)

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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June 24, 2024

Does your favorite genre of Film correspond with the one genre you write in?


An Under-Appreciated Novel #OpenBook Blog Hop

June 17, 2024

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

You’d think this would be an easy topic to write.

I could pick any random book and no one would know the difference. There are many books out there that are deserving of additional attention. But me, being the occasional perfectionist, put way too much thought into the answer. Which book should I choose? Assuming, of course, that picking one of mine is out of the question.

I didn’t want to choose anything from a well-known author, even if it was one of their lesser-known works. Classics are out of the running, of course, or they wouldn’t be a classic. Ten years ago, Craig Johnson of Longmire fame might have fit the requirement, but after the TV series gained him fame, and his writing went downhill, he no longer makes the grade.

But I don’t want to ignore any of the friends I’ve made through writing.

Including ones who have taken part in this hop. That list is long and varied. How can I choose only one? I’m going to take the easy way out and highlight two. I suspect I’ve mentioned both of them on this blog previously.

Cornelia Amiri: A Moonless Night Note: Cornelia and I have traded beta reads and critiques. When I read the first draft chapter of this story, my response was this was the best damn writing she’d ever done. Many of her books draw heavily from Celtic myths, and this was no exception. But she used the story of Dylan, a sea god, to highlight the issue of child abuse, while writing following her normal plot of a romance between a god and a human.

You can check out the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Moonless-Night-Hope-Swims-Darkest-ebook/dp/B07GCPG23Z

Angela Pryce: The Devil’s Caress  I don’t remember how I was introduced to this book. Angela and I were both scheduled at a book signing, (along with lots of other authors) but due to car problems, she didn’t make it. But we started chatting on-line, and I bought the book. At least, I think that’s what happened.

Anyway, I loved the story. It blurs the lines between good and evil in the name of love. I loved it enough that when Angela started to do line editing, I hired her. She’s edited each of my books since then. You can find the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Devils-Caress-Angela-Pryce-ebook/dp/B07QHZ5H6Z

I look forward to seeing what books the other authors on this hop post. You can check them out by following the links below. (Most of them will show up throughout the day on Monday.)

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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June 17, 2024

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

The Good, Bad, And Ugly of Ghost Writers #OpenBook Blog Hop

June 10, 2024

Ghostwriters. Let’s talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Her name is Priscilla.

She hangs out in the spare bedroom at the top of the stairs on the second floor. Other times she’s off somewhere, gossiping with the house goddess, Penelope. When she settles in come evening time, the rays of the setting sun caused create a glow around her silver-white hair, styled in a loose bun. She helped me pick out the new color for the front stairs, a deep purple. She also picked out some of the artwork I hung on the walls.

So far, she hasn’t revealed when she moved into this 100-year-old house, or any of the stories she has to tell. But I’m not in a hurry. I figure we have a decade or more to spend together. I can wait.

Oh, not that kind of ghost writer. Sorry, Priscilla, making you the star of a post will have to wait. Have another cup of tea. Peach, this time?

Now on to ghostwriters of the living kind. Let’s start with the bad (and ugly.) 

I hate picking up a book by a favorite author to discover that the writing style is nothing like previous stories by that writer. Sometimes the ‘partner’ author is listed, other times not. I don’t mind as much when the joint venture is listed up front. When it’s not disclosed, I feel cheated. 

Then there’s the concept of a ghostwriter for a celebrity’s book. It’s well-known they aren’t spending the time to type out their stories and perfecting them to make them readable. The publisher is using the celebrity’s name as the selling point. It has nothing to do with the quality of the writing. The person who is doing the actual writing earns little to no recognition, and is normally paid a contracted amount, without regard to how many books are sold.

But there is a good side.

“Normal’ people may want to leave the legacy of their life story to their family, but don’t have the skills to document it. Their view of the war they served in. Or how they earned and lost a fortune selling drugs. They may be your neighbor or the nurse at the hospital. They have no desire to sell the book commercially, but want to make sure their tales are not lost to the winds of time, at least not immediately. Hiring a ghostwriter is their shot at making that dream happen. As an added bonus, the writer receives extra income that may support their creative endeavors.

Now, I’ve never given ghostwriting a shot, because I’m busy enough trying to write my own stories. But some of the authors on this hop may have. Will they tell us about it? Find out by following the links below.

Anyway, until next time, please stay safe.

What’s that, Priscilla? Penelope is out of Earl Grey? (Sigh) I’ll add it to my grocery list.

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June 10, 2024

Ghost Writers. Let’s talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.

What Comes Next? #IWSG

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.
The awesome co-hosts for the June 5 posting of the IWSG are Liza at Middle Passages, Shannon Lawrence, Melissa Maygrove, and Olga Godim!

Remember, the question is optional

June 5 question – In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?
Good question. If I could figure out the answer, I wouldn’t be part of this group with other struggling writers. But I can’t see into the future. Heck, it’s hard enough to stay current with what is happening in the writing world on a week by week basis. I feel like I’m always getting in on the tail end of the “next big trend” in publicity.
One thing I’ve always wanted to develop is a site where authors can share potential events and opportunities for selling books in person. I’m talking community festivals, local book signing days, and the like. It could be a site where authors share with others about their successes and which ones didn’t pan out. It would take a lot of work, and I don’t think any one person could maintain it. Who would have imagined that the Chugwater Chili Festival was a hot market for books?
Anyway, that’s my suggestion. I’m looking forward to see what ideas everyone else has.
As always, until next time, please stay safe.

Because You Can’t Do it #OpenBook Blog Hop

June 3, 2024

What is the worst piece of writing advice you’ve ever received?

I’ve been lucky.

No one has ever told me that my work is so bad I should stop writing entirely. Sure, I’ve had my share of critiques and criticism, but those I can take time to consider if they help me improve,

Plus, I’ve developed a fairly thick skin. It’s gotten easier to nod politely and ignore baseless harsh words. On line, where no one can see my face, I’m free to display my reaction and delete the email or close the web page. Not as satisfying as slamming down an old-fashioned phone receiver, but not bad.

As a result, I can’t tell you the worst advice I’ve received. It’s been wiped from my brain and replaced with encouraging words.

But the journey hasn’t been all roses and sunshine.

Many years ago, when poetry was my passion, I wrote a poem detailing the mix of emotions I felt when leaving on a solo trip. A fellow poet, whose opinion I respected, commented it needed more humor. It wasn’t supposed to be funny. Yes, I gave up on that piece, but that was around the same time that poetry gave up on me.

The move to fiction was made without consulting anyone. There was no one to tell me I couldn’t succeed. I didn’t rely on advice from anyone-I just did it.

Bad writing advice? I’m sure I’ve received it, but tuned it out. On the other hand, I’ve heard plenty of marketing advice that didn’t work for me. But then, there are plenty of authors in the same boat. What works for marketing is short-lived and changes constantly. But that’s a topic for another post.

I know that some of the authors on this hop haven’t been as lucky as me. Check out their stories by following the links below. 

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

June 3, 2024

What is the worst piece of writing advice you’ve ever received?

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