What Are They Shoving Into The Back Of The Car? #OpenBook Blog Hop

March 10, 2025

Your character is being faced with an evacuation from a natural disaster.

What are they taking with them? (Based on an idea from Lena.)

I’ve lost track of how many times I evacuated from a hurricane during the many years I lived on the Florida coast. So, it was natural for me to include a hurricane when I wrote The Ranger’s Dog Tags, which was based on Orlando. But since Harmony Duprie had lived her entire life near Pittsburgh, she had no idea what to do. But, since she was just visiting, she didn’t need to worry about what to take in case of an evacuation. Luckily, she had friends to help her.

“Ready for the hurricane?” Lando asked as he strolled into my office.

I put down my third cup of coffee and stared at him. “Hurricane?”

“Nothing to worry about. It’ll slide up the coast and all we’ll see is rain.”

“Do I need to stock up on groceries in case the electricity goes out or something?”

“And how would you cook without electricity? Newbie.” Lando laughed. “If it looks as if it’s going to get bad, you can come stay with me. I’ll protect you since Eli can’t. But the most I expect is the hotels filling up with people leaving the coast and heavy traffic.”

He was the expert.

But it isn’t only hurricanes people have to worry about these days. As I write this post, there are major brush fires burning on Long Island. A military base had to be evacuated. (Although I wasn’t able to determine which one. And who knew you could have a brush fire on Long Island? Turns out the fire started on a nature preserve.) That throws a new twist into the question. If one of my characters had to evacuate, knowing that they might come back to a burned out building, what would they take with them?

First options are easy. Family, pets, cash, making sure friends are taking care of as well. I won’t go into detail about them.

Harmony doesn’t have to worry about any of those except friends. And her car only holds two people comfortably, so she isn’t much good as a taxi service. Her important papers are in her safe deposit box at the bank.

She’d pack two small suitcases, of course.

With some of her jewelry tucked in. And maybe stuff her mail into her purse. Then she’d worry about her books. She had too many to rescue all of them, unless she rented a U-Haul, so she’d have to get picky. A few biographies, a couple of historical books on Victorian architecture, a handful of drugstore westerns and romances. She’d grab several pairs of spare glasses and stuff them in the suitcase.

Which would remind her to take a cell phone charger. Her laptop and the backup drives. Her family photo albums, even though the pictures have all been scanned and converted to digital files. (The important papers in the safe deposit had been backed up too, in case something happened to the bank.)

With all of that, her car is full. In small spaces, she’d fit a few first aid supplies from her medicine cabinet. Perhaps a blanket to put on top of everything.

The last thing she’d leave space for was the pot of her mother’s African Violets. She’d kept them alive for many years, and wouldn’t abandon them.

That’s what Harmony would take. What would the characters of our other authors take with them if they had to evacuate? Find out by following the links below.

And, until next time, please stay safe!

March 10, 2025

Your character is being faced with an evacuation from a natural disaster. What are they taking with them? (Based on an idea from Lena.)

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Becoming Someone Else #IWSG

It’s the first Wednesday of March (already!!!) and time for another post in the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop. Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.

The awesome co-hosts for the March 5 posting of the IWSG are Ronel Janse Van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Liza @ Middle Passages!

March 5 question – If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? 

Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.

There are a few different jobs I wanted to be at various points of my life. But since this prompt calls for only a one day switch, I won’t touch on this. I’ll go for a radical change. But I really am happy with who I am, so this is tough.

Maybe I should be a tree. An old, tall and strong tree. It wouldn’t matter if it was in a park or in a forest somewhere. (As long as it wasn’t near a forest fire at the moment.)

Okay, I should pick something different. Or someone.

I considered the idea of being a forest ranger in one of the US National Parks. But with the current state of politics in the US, that would bring a whole world of stress that I don’t want to deal with.

So, for one day, I want to be a librarian in a major library somewhere.

(Yes, they have the stress of funding right now, but it isn’t as immediate as what the forest rangers are facing.) To be surrounded by books and other media, as well as other book lovers, would be a wonderful way to spend a day.

I’ve been a librarian in a very small town library and some of my characters were librarians, so it seems to be a natural fit. Now, if the swap lasted more than one day it would require living in a large city, and I have no interest in that. So, one day is enough.

What about you? Who or what would you be for a day?

Don’t forget to check out some of the other posts on this hop.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

In An Alternate World #OpenBook Blog Hop

March 3, 2025

If you had to become one of your characters, which one would you choose?

It isn’t who you think.

No, it isn’t Harmony Duprie From the Harmony Duprie Mysteries. Or Annie McGregor from The Edwards Investigations. Or even Jake Hennessey. I’ve put those characters through hell and back, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone (including myself.)

Now, I’d love to sit and chat with Harmony on the steps leading to her apartment. Or take a seat in Jake’s bar and drink a beer and shoot the breeze with the regulars. But the moments of peace that either have are limited. Plus, despite his outgoing nature and broad circle of friends, I see Jake as a lonely person. He has to hide who he really is, and has no one to confide in.

I don’t want to overlook my Free Wolves series. It’s fun to write a shapeshifter story, but I wouldn’t want to live that way, dealing with a patriarchal pack structure. Although I love my main characters in those books, I don’t want to be one of them.

And Annie McGregor from the Edwards Investigations? No, thank you. Now, it might be interesting to spend a day as Mike Edwards, her business partner. But I haven’t figured out his entire backstory yet, so I’ll wait.

I’ll take the safe route.

And pick one of my secondary characters. One of Harmony’s dearest friends, Janine Janson, is also a trained librarian like Harmony, and was hired as the chief librarian of the Oak Grove Public Library. She lives a quiet life, surrounded by books, friends, and as a respected community leader. I can see myself fitting into that life. In fact, there was a short time during which I pursued a similar career path. But I don’t see her ever writing books; she’s happy reading them.

Which characters would the other authors on this hop become if they had to? Find out by following the links below. 

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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March 3, 2025

If you had to become one of your characters, which one would you choose?