Social Media As A Teacher #OpenBook Blog Hop

May 13, 2024

Has being on your favorite form of social media taught you anything about writing?

It isn’t for everyone

Writing, that is. Social media, too, but that’s another story. Do the two intertwine?

First, let me expound on the ways I hate social media. I won’t name names. (cough. . . FB) I’ve done what social media is good for, and social media helped me stay in meet and touch with other writers. I followed the rules and looked forward to their posts. Liking, commenting, sharing—and suddenly I notice I haven’t seen anything from them for a few days. Or a few weeks. I have to go searching for their posts. (SapphireJBlue, P.J. Fiala, Angela Pryce) Maybe I lose track of them entirely. (Heck, sometimes a post from my daughter didn’t show up on my timeline!)

But I’ve learned from each of them, and many others. I guess that counts as learning from social media. Then there are the various groups and pages that I’ve joined and followed, with other authors willing to share information and resources. Sadly, they often follow the pattern of ‘disappearing’ from my feed.

My favorite form of social media isn’t considered social media by many.

I belong to two email groups, one devoted to marketing, the other to crime scene information. Guess what? I never miss a post, and they never disappear from my inbox. And they are searchable by topic, so it’s possible to find information I vaguely remember but want to verify. Even if they aren’t topics I care about at the moment, the information can be stored away for later. Sometimes older technology is more reliable. Best of all, the algorithms never change and I don’t worry about getting kicked out because I’m mostly a lurker.

So there you have it. My favorite form of social media to learn from doesn’t include pictures, likes or upvotes, just text. How about the other authors on this hop? Find out by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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May 13, 2024

Has being on your favorite form of social media taught you anything about writing?

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  1. natalieiaguirre7

    I love blogging but don’t have time to get on Facebook or Twitter much. I know I should get on Instagram too, but I’m too busy. I think you have the right attitude to focus on what you enjoy.

    • I’ve never got the hang of Twitter or Instagram. But that’s my fault, because I didn’t spend hours trying to conquer them.

  2. Has the email group devoted to marketing helped to sell more books?

    • It’s helped me understand marketing in general. Since it’s devoted mostly to romance writer, I don’t get the full benefits, but it’s helped me.

  3. Looks as if we still won’t be getting decent broadband, or a signal.
    just weeks of Road Closed, so other people can have access.

    @ best, as I explain to everybody, when they complain that I never answer my phone. , Can’t Tweet/X either.

    Facebook ? Not famous, never will be, lawyer friend stepped in to remove something 100% untrue on Facebook.

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