Support From The Ones I Love #OpenBook Blog Hop

July 8, 2024

What kind of support do you receive (or not receive) from family, friends, and your community?

None of my books have made it into a top 100 list on release day.

No matter how long I stare at it, I can’t get the bar on the sales chart to go higher on a book release day. It makes me wonder who among my large family hasn’t bothered to buy a copy. But support comes in many ways.

But I’ve been lucky. Many of you already know that my sister (one of four) is my cover artist. She also helps me with other graphic needs. Of course, she gets a free copy of the print book. I’ll also give her credit and thanks for helping me hunt for new venues to sell my books. My dear hubby puts up with me ignoring him when I’m deep in writing mode and encourages me to keep at it.

Before I retired, the team I worked with liked to tease me about my books-but in a ‘fun’ way. A few of them even bought physical copies. Of course, those sales don’t show up on sales chart.

Since moving, I’ve had to rebuild a local community. I haven’t been able to locate a local writers’ group, (The nearest one is 30 miles away on 2-lane curvy roads, which I don’t want to drive after dark. In the snow. Uphill both ways.) I have met other authors at events, but none of them have ‘clicked’ as far as a continuing relationship. So, I’m leaning heavily on the connections I make on-line.

But there’s an upside.

I’ve sold my books at several local events and have a new (if small) fan base. I found out one of my brothers buys print copies of my books even if he doesn’t read them. My boss (I’m working a part-time job) gives me all the days off I need to attend events. 

Then there’s this group. It helps to keep me focused, and hearing how everyone else deals with the writing life is encouragement in my journey. Even with oceans between us, we’re in this together.

So, I have lots of support. 

It may not be pushing me to the top of the charts, but it helps me to keep trying.

How about the other authors on this hop? Do they have a support system? Find out by following the links below.

And, as always, please stay safe until next time.

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July 8, 2024

What kind of support do you receive (or not receive) from family, friends, and your community?


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  1. Natalie Aguirre

    That’s great that you’ve found some new readers and have a supportive boss in your new community. I hope you find a nearby writing community. It’s great connecting to other writers.

    • The writers’ group I found works with specified prompts as writing exercises,, which is great, but not my style.

  2. I have a writers group about 50 miles away, it’s great, unfortunately there’s not one closer.

  3. Two-lane curvy roads? That’s all we’ve got around here, lol. I know no different. After 11 years I’ve got to the point where I just write for my own amusement and if anybody buys my books, well that’s a bonus.

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