My Best Line #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dec 9, 2024

What’s the best line you’ve written recently? Or ever?

I’ve been toying with three different stories recently.

But I don’t feel as if I have a good enough handle on the characters to write great lines – yet. All three have potential.

So, let me share some a few from my previous writing. The first two are equal in my mind.

Here’s a selection from The Fall of Jake Hennessey. In fact, I turned it into a meme.

She paused on the last landing. He imagined the cogs in her brain whirling.
“We never decided on plans for tomorrow,” he said casually.
“No, we didn’t.” She descended the last few stairs as if each were a decision to be made.

The next one comes from The Ranger’s Dog Tags. FYI, Harmony Duprie (Whose point of view this is from) is known for being a bad shot and missing her targets.

I didn’t hesitate as I squeezed off that second round. I shoved it on its way with every ounce of pain that Eli had suffered, every bit of rage I carried. I prayed for it to hit. And hit hard.

But my very best line (in my humble opinion) comes from a poem I wrote eons ago after a trip to one of my most favorite places in the world, the Beartooth Mountains. I was going to quote a large part of the poem, but it’s old enough I don’t have it in digital format, and the storage boxes are buried underneath the Christmas totes. (which have taken over my house!). But the last two lines are the ones I want to share.

I taught myself to breathe again
Twelve thousand feet high

I’ve got other good lines.

I bet every writer out there has written words that are better than they get credit for. But these are the ones that stick out in my memory. What lines are the other authors going to share? Find out by following the links below.

As always, please stay safe until the next time!

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Dec 9, 2024

What’s the best line you’ve written recently? Or ever?


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  1. That quote from the poem is great, love it. And I like everything that isn’t said (but implied) in the other two.

  2. That poem sounds good. There’s no sign of any mountains where I live!

  3. Both are great lines! Thanks for sharing. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  4. Thank you!

  5. This was really hard! I’m glad I wrote that post on BlueSky, so I’d have a response. I’d really have to comb thru everything and that would cause so much anxiety. Thus was tough!

  6. Don’t know about best, but this went through multiple rewrites until it felt right.

    ‘ Hi Rob.’ said Iris, ‘ Pliny was right. It stinks, and not just it’s head, but maybe that’s because it’s dead.’

    Iris ? Skinny little shrimp of 12. No father, climbing accident seven months before she was born.

    Rob? Thirties, and about to become her stepfather.

    What stinks ? No storm’s dramatic enough on its own now, we’ve had three in the past fortnight. This one’s washed a 50 foot Kraken onto a Scottish beach.

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