It’s Obligatory – Setting Goals #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dec 30, 2024

Setting goals for 2025: what are your writerly New Year’s resolutions?

It’s that time of year.

Everyone will tell you so. If you haven’t done it already, you should set your goals for the New Year.

Bah. Humbug.

I hated the whole goal-setting thing even when I was in a paid position. Too often, the team goals were artificial and based on factors outside of our control. Yet, they were used to help determine our pay raises. So, why would I want to set goals for myself?

Sure, the idea makes sense. Goals can create a sense of accomplishment when they are reached. But they also carry the taint of disappointment and worse, self-deprecation if circumstances interfere with them. We all know life happens. And writing can be hard. We don’t need to put obstacles in our own path.

But I have things I plan to do.

I’ve committed to writing a short story for an anthology supporting K9s for Warriors. (service dogs for disabled vets). The second book of the Edwards Investigations is taunting me. (After writing the first chapter I was stumped, but I think I know where I went wrong. I started in the wrong place.) If all goes well, there’s another story in the Free Wolves series that is hanging out at the back of my brain.

I won’t finish all three. (That’s what is called a stretch goal and is doomed to failure.)

If I want to pad my goals, I could include this weekly blog hop post, the critiquing I do for other writers, and my social media involvement. I would include the numbers of festivals and book signings I participate in. (No goals on how many books I will sell. Experience shows it’s impossible to predict.)

So those are my hopes for 2025. Not goals.

How about the other authors on this hop? Do they set goals? Find out by following the links below. (New links will show up mostly on Monday, but could show up all week long.)

And, as always, until next time, please stay safe.

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Dec 30, 2024

Setting goals for 2025: what are your writerly New Year’s resolutions?

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  1. If I don’t set goals, laziness overcomes my desire to tell the story.

  2. My problem isn’t laziness, it’s procrastination.

  3. I look forward to the daily grind not getting in the way anymore! lol

  4. Maybe divorce the house, always something going wrong ?
    Or the cats ?
    Not my husband, never, plus, he’s my IT department.
    Key problem ? Knowing I’m not really a writer !

  5. The cats are my daughters, so they stay. And my husband and I will be celebrating our 50th anniversary next week, and I’m shooting for our 75th.

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