Found Money #Open Book Blog Hop

October 29, 2018

What would you do if you found $50 on the ground (or substitute your local currency)

There was a time in my life that even finding $10 would have been a blessing. It would have fed my family for a few days or allowed me to buy a special treat for my little ones. Thankfully, those days are in the past, but I remember what it felt like.

I have found money once or twice, but the most I’ve ever come across is $20. I found it in the parking lot at work, and didn’t know what to do with it. It seemed silly to turn it into security because there were no identifying marks on it. And with the number of people that go through the parking lot on a daily basis, there didn’t seem to be any way to get it back to it’s original owner.

So, after discussing with my boss, I stuck it in my purse. Not in my wallet where it could easily get mixed in with my money, but in a separate compartment. I didn’t want to spend it on myself. I had other plans.

There aren’t a lot of panhandlers where I live. You’ll see an occasional one on a street corner or in the Walmart parking lot, but not everyday. And I know you can’t trust appearances, but some just seem more down on their luck than others. And that’s what I was waiting for. The right person who looked as if a measly $20 dollars would make a difference in their life.You know, the one with the dog that looks better cared for than the owner. Or the guy playing a guitar hoping someone will give him a smile and a dollar or two. or maybe the couple with the ratty old RV trying to get down the road a little ways. And that’s when the found money came out of my purse and got passed along.

Would I do it different with $50? Probably. I’d break the $50 into 2 $20’s and a $10 and spread the wealth out. Maybe I’d help buy groceries for someone who came out short at the cash register. It’s my way of paying back the universe for the help I received when I needed it. Besides, it makes me feel good.

Is there a chance I’d give it to someone who really didn’t need the help? Absolutely. Does it matter? Absolutely not. Remember, the money wasn’t mine to begin with.

So, what would you do with found money? I’m going to hop on over and see what the other authors’ plans are.

October 29, 2018

What would you do if you found $50 on the ground (or substitute your local currency)

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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
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