Best Sites for Publicity #OpenBook Blog Hop

March 25, 2019

We did this a couple of years ago, but your answer may have changed. What are the best sites you use for publicity?

When we discussed this several years ago, I praised the results I got using Robin Reads and EReader news. I still like them, but the last time I ran a book promotion, neither gave me the results I hoped for.

Don’t get me wrong, I sold a decent amount of books with each of them. I even made it into the top 25,000 authors on Amazon. But with the increase in the cost of a Robin Reads listing, it’s harder to break even.

I’ve also tried a variety of lesser-known sites in the meantime, and none of them match these two. I haven’t tried the king of them all, BookBub, but based on what I’ve seen of their prices, I never will. I’ve also read a few articles that indicate that BookBub is losing its effectiveness.

So what’s an author to do? Well, I’ve got two potential promotion sites in mind.

First one is BookDoggy. Can’t tell you anything about it, but it seems reasonably priced and I’ve heard good things about it. Worth a shot, anyway.

Next is Amazon. Yes, that one. As much as I hate monopolies, it may be time to give their advertising a chance. Since I can control how much money is being spent, and end a campaign if it doesn’t perform well, the risk seems lower.

I’m doing my research so I can make the risk as minimal as possible. Coming up with keywords isn’t as easy as it sounds. And you can have up to 1000 keywords associated with your ad. That’s a lot!

So, wish me luck. I can use as much as I can get.

And, just a reminder before I hop on over and see what suggestions the other authors have. Next week, I should be posting on my new website. Don’t worry, I’ll post the link here when it’s ready, but I haven’t turned it on yet. See you there!

March 25, 2019

We did this a couple of years ago, but your answer may have changed. What are the best sites you use for publicity?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


P.S. I just wanted to give a shoutout to Jenny at Light Reminders Photography for the great new publicity shots she did. Here’s one.


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  1. Hi P.J – I haven't tried Robin Reads or BookBub, but I did do one Amazon ad a few months' ago. I only sold a few books though, but you might have more success?

  2. This is Stevie by the way. Not sure why my name isn't coming up.

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