The Pros and Cons of … #OpenBook Blog Hop

The challenge this week is to pick a subject and talk about the pros and cons. Sort of like being on both sides of a debate. Or trying to make a major decision.  So many possibilities.

I picked a subject near and dear to my heart. Living in Wyoming.

First the Pros.
1. Mountains. Big mountains that flirt with the sky. Mountains where it can snow in the middle of July. Mountains covered in wildflowers and golden aspens.

2. People. Not that many of them. So you can find a place to be by yourself. (And be yourself) Wyoming really does have more cows than people.
3. Wide open spaces. Anyone who has ever driven through the middle of Wyoming knows what I’m talking about. There’s a lot of flat-ish land out there and it has its own beauty.
4. Yellowstone and the Jackson Hole area. ‘Nuff said.
5. Devil’s Tower. (There’s some beautiful countryside in the area too)

6. Longmire
7. No state income tax
8. Lots of small towns. That can be either a pro or a con depending upon how you feel about small town life
9. Friendly people who are willing to lend a hand when you need it.
10. Did I mention mountains?

And now for a few Cons.
1. Wind. Wyoming is windy. Really windy. Like close down the interstate windy because trucks will blow over windy.

2. Because there aren’t that many people, store choices are limited unless you are in one of the bigger cities. Even then, there are times when you have to go out of state  to buy something you want. (Or order online)
3. Job choices are also limited, but that’s changing as some of the bigger companies figure out that Wyoming is a good place to do business.
4. It can get really, really cold. Like -20° cold, and that’s before wind chill. Did I mention it gets windy in Wyoming?
5. Depending upon where you live in Wyoming, it can be really dry. High plains desert dry.
6. Also depending upon where you live, winter can last well into April. Or even May.
7. Did I mention it’s windy?

As you can tell, the pros outweigh the cons in my opinion. But if you’ve ever been to Wyoming, you may have a few things to add. You can share them in the comments.

To find out what the other authors on the loop are weighing in on, follow the links below.

March 13 – Pro / Con post – The pros and cons ________________.
1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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  1. It sounds lovely, perfect for an author to write in peace!

  2. I love this! Your humor is so fun.

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