What I’m Grateful For- Open Book Blog Hop

Hello and Welcome, however you made your way here! This week on the Open Book Blog Hop, we’re talking about gratefulness. What are we grateful for?

When I think about this question, I realize the answer is “a lot!” So I decided to narrow it down to the many people who I’ve been privileged to know and who’ve made a difference in my life.

My mother is the first person who comes to mind, although my dad gets credit too. They both supported me in becoming myself—choosing my own path in life. I’ve run on about my mother several times in past blogs, so I’m going to skip past them and talk about some other folks.

I had wonderful teachers in high school, who opened my eyes to fresh ideas and different ways of thinking. This was a Catholic high school, but was anything but conservative in its structure. The entire way classes were offered was an experiment in allowing the students to pick the level of learning they were comfortable with. With smaller sized classes, and attentive instructors, students could learn at their own pace and pick subjects that interested them. By my senior year, half my classes were independent study. Not your normal setup for a high school, but I thrived on it. So thank you, Sister Lois, Sister Mary Andrew, Sister Regina, Father Santor, Father Rarick and Father Weibel.  (and others!) I’m grateful for the extra effort you put into helping me develop intellectually. 

College was a journey for me, through several schools and several majors. Again, I got lucky along the way, with professors who recognized my love of learning and were happy to encourage me. I wasn’t the traditional college student, but it didn’t matter to them. Or perhaps that was the reason they were willing to put the extra effort in to help me. But that help is why I have the job I do today, and I’m grateful.

I’ve met a lot on interesting and marvelous people along the way. From the landlady who became a friend ( I miss you, Lois. I hope heaven is enjoying your company) to co-workers and bosses,(here’s looking at you, Scott!) to the many folks that writing has put me in contact with. (Hey Mary Jean!) Each has made an impression on me that helped shape me. And I think I’ve turned out pretty well, so I’m grateful. (A special shout-out to Patti Fiala, who organizes this blog hop on a weekly basis.) 

Of course, I can’t forget the most special person in my life,

my dearly beloved husband, Al. It was love at first sight, and here we are many years later, still together and still in love. I love you, and I’m grateful you’re in my life. You’ve been my best friend and biggest fan, and I don’t know what I did to deserve you.

To find out what Lela Markham has to say, check out her blog HERE.   Don’t forget to check out her books while you’re there. You can also find them on Amazon. Lela on Amazon. And you can find out what other folks have to say on the subject by following the links below.

If you want, you can share what you’re grateful for in the comments.

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  1. It sounds as though you've been very lucky in meeting people during your journey through life who are right for you. Thanks for sharing; great post!

  2. Aww, thank you P.j. I'm grateful for having met you (Thanks Ryleigh!) It's been my pleasure to work with you weekly and to read your awesome stories.

  3. I love this! I'm so glad to hear Catholic school teachers being praised, instead of painted as monsters. All of the nuns I've met in my life have been kind and generous people. They do a lot and give up a lot to be who they are. It's so awesome to see someone appreciate that.

  4. PJ I enjoyed reading your post. There's nothing better than having supportive people in your life.

  5. PJ thank you so much for sharing. It's great to see a person gifted with so many positive experiences with people.

  6. My husband says Catholic School was horrible, but I think he was bringing that spirit with him. He just didn't like school.

    People are so helpful in our lives for providing support and accountability (which may not feel like support, but it probably better than all the sympathy in the world). I didn't list any in my post because they've been listed in previous gratitudes.

    Patti definitely deserves a shout-out for all of her efforts. She is terrific!

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