Guest Author: Sharleen Scott

I’m pleased to welcome Sharleen Scott and her new release Tangles to my blog today. (Release date May 14th)
Can tragedy mend a
wounded family? While faced with the challenge of his mother’s escalating
Alzheimer’s disease, Logan McKinnon discovers secret journals that leave him
questioning everything he knows about his family. With no one to ask, Logan
must find a man mentioned in the journals to discover a truth he may not want
to know.
Logan exhausted the file
cabinets by 9:00 p.m. and still hadn’t located the insurance policies. Thinking
there could be more files in the closets, he poked around until he found a
locked box marked Personal in the top of the guest room closet. It was heavy
and locked. He didn’t find a key, but rather than give up, he jimmied it open
with a screwdriver. Hoping to find file folders, he was disappointed when the
contents were books and notebooks, all numbered and dated.
He sat on the floor and selected
a white book marked Number One. He opened it to the first page and was stunned
by what he found. The first entry, with its childish scrawl and misspelled
words, made him smile.
April 1936
Dear Jurnal, My name is Lois and I am six.
Mama says girls like to rite stuff so she gave you to me. I hope we can be
frends and I can tell you my secrets. Love, Lois
July 1936
Dear Jurnal, Larry called me a bad name
today. I dumped mud on his head. Daddy spanked me. It hurt. Big brothers are
icky, and I hate him. Don’t tell anyone. Love, Lois
Logan doubled over with laughter
as he read his mother’s diary. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t stop. The
entries were short but telling of Lois’ early life, and he found himself
engrossed. Hours passed as he read the entries detailing her fights with her
older brother, Larry, stories of her cat named Puffpuff, a dog named Hunter
though he was gun shy to the point of terror, and he sniffled when he read
about the day she stopped hating Larry.
April 1939
Dear friend, my grandpa died today and
I’m sad. When Mama told me, I ran to the barn and cried until my stomach hurt.
Puffpuff tried to make me feel better but it didn’t help. Larry found me and I
yelled at him to leave me alone. He said he was sad, too, and wanted to cry
with me where no one would see him. Boys aren’t supposed to cry. He held my
hand and we cried together. I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone he cried. I think
Larry is an okay brother after all, but don’t tell anyone I said that. Love,
Logan placed the journal in the
box and closed the lid. He stared at it, debating if he should return it to the
closet where it belonged and leave it alone. His curiosity won, and he shoved
the box in a corner and covered it with a blanket. The late hour caught up with
him, and he stripped off his clothes and climbed into bed. Blissful sleep came
Buy links:
Amazon Kindle and Paperback:Amazon
Apple: Apple
Kobo: Kobo

Bio: Romantic-suspense author Sharleen Scott is taking a brief detour from her CAUGHT series with the release of Tangles, a novel dedicated to her mother-in-law who succumbed to Alzheimer

’s disease. Sharleen lives in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, Brett, two college kids, and two spoiled cats.
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