Searching for Hidden Treasures #OpenBook Blog Hop


Jan 23, 2023

Do you include any inside jokes or Easter eggs in your work?

I have a weird sense of humor. What I find funny is not the same as most other people. So, although I’ve tried to incorporate humor into my books, I don’t know if it works. Hopefully, there will be places where readers chuckle, but that’s the most I can hope for.

‘Easter eggs’ are another story. You can blame it on my day job manager. (Back before I retired.) We were discussing the differences between the first book I released (Wolves’ Pawn) and the second (The Marquesa’s Necklace.) He laughingly suggested that Eli, my male main character, be revealed as a shifter. While that didn’t happen—although I considered it—it sparked an idea. Thanks, Danny!

I decided the two books were based in the same ‘world’ and I wrote in subtle references to the shifter series in my mystery books. For example, there’s this passage:

I was the only person out of place at the bar/restaurant. All the regulars knew each other’s names, but the occasional tourist like me was welcomed. The person who seemed most out of place was my waitress, Dot. Her hair was dyed with bright blue streaks.                                

That’s a reference to Dot McKenzie, my main character in Wolves’ Pawn.

I had so much fun with that, I made it a point to include references to my shifters, not always so hidden. In The Baron’s Cufflinks, I wrote: : 

As I glanced down, I noticed what appeared to be a leather-bound book half-buried under some old college textbooks. I set them aside, picked it up, and with my other hand, rubbed my forehead in puzzlement. As thick as the volume was, it should have weighed more.
I ran one finger across the gold-embossed title. Wolf’s Knight, Tasha’s Tale. Another unknown. I gingerly lifted the cover, half-afraid the book would fall apart.
The book was hollowed out to create a hiding place. Inside the empty space was a small, purple velvet covered box. I hesitated for the briefest of moments before taking the box out and setting it on top of the nearest stack of books.

By the way, I didn’t mean for it to happen, but that passage is what inspired the book, Wolves’ Knight. I came up with the title and then Tasha wouldn’t leave me alone—I stopped writing The Baron’s Cufflinks in order to tell Tasha’s story.

I got carried away in The Samurai’s Inro, and had Eli Hennessey from the Harmony series and Gavin Fairwood from the Free Wolves adventures involved together in a minor subplot. They both work with computer software, so it seemed natural they’d run into each other.

There were a couple of other Easter eggs I planted in The Harmony books. Each contained a reference to Harmony taking care of the African Violets she’s received from her mother. That was done as a tribute to my mother, who kept African Violets for many years. The other continuing reference are mentions of John Denver.

The Easter eggs were a one-way street. I didn’t include links to Harmony in the Free Wolves books. But I feel like I still have one more story to add to that series, so there’s still time!


Do other authors on this hop include Easter eggs or inside jokes? Find out by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

Jan 23, 2023

Do you include any inside jokes or Easter eggs in your work?

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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
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The Missing Info #OpenBook Blog Hop

Jan 16, 2023

What is one thing that you wish you’d known about writing before you started?

Let’s specify: I started writing back in 1974-ish. Back then, I wrote poetry. I don’t think that counts for the purpose of this question. Instead, I’ll talk about the last ten years, when I started writing fiction, instead.

I thought I’d done my homework. I’d joined a writer’s group on-line and followed the discussions, even when I had nothing to contribute. It helped me make my decision to publish as an indie author. But it didn’t prepare me for everything that went along with that decision.

Writing to please yourself is one thing. Writing for potential publication is another. It’s a lot more work.

It’s hard enough getting words on paper and finishing a story. Whipping those words into shape for other people to read is a whole different challenge. I don’t think I understood how much work editing is until the first time I tackled it with an aim of publication, and I keep learning more about it every time I get another book ready to release. (And I’m on book eleven!)

It’s not just fixing spelling and grammar errors, it’s making those words sing. That’s the hard part. I won’t go into detail—there have been entire books written on the topic. Two of my pain points are using too many adverbs and overusing the word ‘was.’

If I had known how hard it was, I might have reconsidered my decision to publish my stories. It’s too late for that now. I’m having too much fun. Much to my surprise, I’m even enjoying the editing process for my work-in-progress. Seeing how the changes being made are making the story more suspenseful makes me eager to share it with readers. (The working title is The Rise of Jake Hennessey. The cover is coming soon. It’ll echo the cover of The Fall of Jake Hennessey and that’s as much as I know.)

What do the other authors on this hop wish they has known? You can find out by following the links below.

And, as always, until next time, please stay safe.

Jan 16, 2023

What is one thing that you wish you’d known about writing before you started?

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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
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When the Fire Alarm Goes Off #OpenBook Blog Hop

Jan 9, 2023

Have you or any of your characters experienced cooking disasters?

I can imagine the scene. Harmony Duprie is in the middle of making her almost-world famous spaghetti when Eli calls. She stirs the sauce as they discuss their days, when he mentions changes the Mouse House is making to one of their oldest rides. She rushes to her computer to look up the history of the ride and then transitions to looking for information on the oldest ride still operating in the United States. The sauce, simmering on the stove, is forgotten. They move on to other topics—perhaps his next planned visit—and by the time she drags herself back to the real world, the sauce has scorched.

It didn’t happen—at least, I never wrote that scene. So, maybe it did happen and Harmony never told me about it. She knows how to keep secrets.

I’ve had a few cooking disasters in my personal life, but I blame them on inferior cookstoves. It’s hard to get a sheet of cookies done right when the front of the stove cooks slower than the back. I’m grateful our new place has a gas stove, and it cooks evenly. It’s also nice to have instant on and off on the burners, and I can control the temperature. The words I use to describe electric stoves run on the impolite side.

What’s the worst cooking disaster I’ve ever had? I burnt a pot of beans once. I had the burner a touch too high, and the liquid boiled off. Talk about smelly! (I think I was on the couch, reading, and not paying attention.) The beans were ruined, and supper plans changed that night, but at least I rescued it before it set off the smoke alarm.

How about you? What’s your worst cooking story? And to find out what disasters our other writers have written about, check out the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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Jan 9, 2023

Have you or any of your characters experienced cooking disasters?

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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


Cover Reveals-Do They Work? #OpenBook Blog Hop

January 2, 2023

Does anyone do cover reveals as part of your publicity for a new book? Do they work anymore?

Once upon a time, cover reveals were all the rage to get your readers excited about a new release. It’s especially rewarding to work with my cover artist as she develops a concept and fine tunes it until we are both satisfied. (I’m a lot easier to please than she is!) I love seeing well-done covers as much as anyone else, but I don’t believe I’ve ever bought a book based solely on a cover reveal.

And I love being able to use social media to share those covers. Sadly, I don’t find that doing a huge blast with guest blog posts, FB entries, Twitter and other such media do anything to increase reader engagement. I’ve tried using several publicity companies with no luck.

It may be just me, but lately, I’ve not been seeing cover reveals by other authors. I’ve seen authors requesting help in fine-tuning potential new covers, but not big, splashy reveals. That leads me to believe they aren’t working for other authors, either. Or perhaps they’ve moved to platforms I don’t spend time on. If you have a different experience, tell me in the comments.

This would be the perfect time to announce the cover for by new book, The Rise of Jake Hennessey. (Yes, I’ve been calling it The Redemption of Jake Hennessey, but we decided the word redemption is too long to fit on a cover that is similar to the cover for the first book, The Fall of Jake Hennessey.) But the new cover isn’t ready yet. Soon!

Here’s the cover of the first book that we’ll try to match in style:

I am really proud of the covers my artist has created for me. If you haven’t seen all of them, check out the gallery below.

How do other authors feel about cover reveals? You can find out by checking out the links below,

As always, until next time, please stay safe. 

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January 2, 2023

Does anyone do cover reveals as part of your publicity for a new book? Do they work anymore?

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2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.



Committed To Writing But Not To Deadlines #OpenBook Blog Hop


Dec 26, 2022

Do you set monthly/yearly goals for your writing? What are your goals for the coming year?

I understand the concept of goals, really I do. I’ve had to make them for years for various jobs. But my goals for my writing are much looser. I want to enjoy the process and not stress about meeting deadlines.

Obviously, this blog is different. It’s a once a week commitment. That shouldn’t imply I don’t enjoy it, but I don’t feel pressure about making it an award-winning post, either.

I also don’t stress about writing my books. Well, that’s not totally true. My characters have caused me misery when they don’t behave themselves. But my deadlines for finishing a book are usually flexible. I’d rather get the story right than meet an artificial deadline.

If you ask me to state my goals, I’ll tell you I want to finish my current WIP (The Rise of Jake Hennessey) in time to have it at an event in June. It’s far enough away to allow me to enjoy the process of revisions. Then, I’ll start another story. Which one of the several that have been rattling around in the back of my brain, I’m not sure. What I won’t say is that I want to complete three books by the end if the year and give you dates for preorder and publication. Not gonna do it. Nor am I going to strive to increase my newsletter subscribers by 25%, like the gurus of publicity demand. (But if you’d like to subscribe, there’s a link over there —> I’d appreciate it.)

There are authors who plot a whole series of books before they start writing, and know the anticipated release dates for all of them. More power to them, but I won’t be joining their ranks. are there any authors on this hop in this group? You can follow the links below to find out. 

Hope y’all are staying warm, and, until next time, please stay safe.


Dec 26, 2022

Do you set monthly/yearly goals for your writing? What are your goals for the coming year?

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2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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Shopping by the Book #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dec 19, 2022

What did you want for birthday/Christmas that you never got and might be bitter about? Have you bought it for yourself?

Back in the days of yore, companies like Sears and Montgomery Ward would send out “Christmas catalogs’ with toys, clothing, and gift items not available in their normal catalogs. Yes, those were the days before Amazon, when people shopped by flipping through massive paper catalogs to find clothes and other items they needed that couldn’t be found in the local stores. The Christmas books were smaller, but still held a world of dreams for us kids.

We’d spend hours flipping through the pages, picking out items for our lists for Santa. We knew he had a limited budget and many kids to take presents too, but we always put extra items on our lists in case he ran out of something.

One year, an item on my list was a Carrom board. This was a wooden toy that had a checkerboard, a backgammon board on the other side, and pockets in the corner for a miniature-type pool game. Well, Christmas came, and the board was under the tree – with my brother’s name on the gift tag. Turned out, he’d requested the same thing.


I was disappointed, of course, but he shared—sometimes. I won’t say I was bitter about it, but it hurt for a little while. When I became an adult and got married, our first Christmas together, my husband and I bought our own copy. We had it for many years.

By the way, I find it amusing that Amazon sends out paper catalogs. Yes, on-line ordering is convenient, but there’s a lot to be said for flipping through a small book you can hold in your hands.

Did any of our other authors not get a gift they really wanted? Find out by following the links below. 

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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Dec 19, 2022

What did you want for birthday/Christmas that you never got and might be bitter about? Have you bought it for yourself?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


Adding Local Flavor #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dec 12, 2022

Tell us about something local to where you live. Have you ever made it part of your stories?

I use local scenery in my stories all the time. While the world my characters live in may be a figment of my imagination, the geography that they interact with is often real-world. A great example of this is the library where my character Harmony Duprie spends much of her time.

I’ve mentioned it before. It’s one of the Carnegie libraries, and based on the library in the town where I grew up. They aren’t exact matches, but close enough to count. It’s featured in most of the Harmony Duprie Mysteries. Make sense, since Harmony was a librarian there.


That’s not the only building I’ve used. My aunt and uncle owned a large Victorian-era house, and they rented the third floor to a lady. And there’s my inspiration for Harmony’s apartment. The area has plenty of true Victorian homes, and it was logical to include them when ‘building’ Oak Grove, the fictional city in the books.

I’ve had to eliminate some local lingo from my writing. Words that are part of everyday speech but not well-known outside of the area. (Check out this link if you’re interested – Pittsburghese )

One or two words may sneak in, but I work hard to replace them with standard US words. (when I spot them!)

I guess I should mention the one book that doesn’t take place in Western Pennsylvania/Ohio. Wolves’ Gambit was meant to start in Wyoming and move back east, but the move never happened. So, I sprinkled the story with references to that state, where there are more cattle than people. (A great place for wolf shifters to hang out.) evil’s Tower, Yellowstone, Gillette, Casper. I tried to work in Meeteetse and Chugwater, but they didn’t work out. Neither did Buford, a dot on the map that had a population of 1 for awhile. But I did mention tumbleweed!

That’s how I get local references into my stories. It’ll be interesting to see how the other authors do it. I’ll be checking out their posts by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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Dec 12, 2022

Tell us about something local to where you live. Have you ever made it part of your stories?

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2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.



Going on a Binge #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dec 5, 2022

What TV show/or Movie, or book do you binge/return to/ re-watch the most?

If you’ve hung out here for any amount of time, you already know I don’t watch TV. Oh, I might stop and watch a few minutes of the news or whatever my husband is watching, but I rarely plan time to watch any show. Last time I did was over five years ago. 

Books are a different story. In the past few years, I’ve moved my go-to gift item from jewelry to books. (And since I retired, I rarely wear jewelry.) 

But I’m allowed to make exceptions, right? I stumbled across the now-ended series ‘Lucifer’. It seemed like fun. Best part was, I didn’t have to wait week after week for the next episode or the next season. It was all neatly wrapped up and waiting on Netflix. (I have to remember to close that account now!) So, I watched it. Sometimes three of four episodes in a day. It was my reward to me for making it through all the hard work and stress that came with moving halfway across the country. 

I haven’t picked up any new shows to watch. I got it out of my system.

I haven’t gotten binging on books out of my system. Hopefully, I never will. My latest binge was a dozen books in the Stephanie Plum series (and a few offshoots.) That put me up to book twenty-two of the series. Now, I’m taking a break, spending spare time on holiday preparations. (And binging on editing The Redemption of Jake Hennessey. I’ve never had the luxury of focusing on editing on of my books before because my day job required most of my attention.) 

What book/ series do I return to the most? At the moment, none. My taste in authors is changing. Or maybe it’s because so many authors have allowed their series to stretch out too long and the books come off as rehashing the same story. I’m more interested in discovering new (to me, at least) authors. (That goes for me, too. It’s time to start writing a new series of books.)

And I keep promising myself that I will read at least one book from each of the authors who contribute on regularly to this hop. I’m trying to develop new habits and make better use of my abundance of free time. The internet is a wonderful and terrible way to waste that time.

Do you have any suggestions that I should add to my to-be-read list? Leave them in the comments, please. 

Don’t forget to check out what the other authors on this hop are watching/reading by following the links below.

And, as always, until next time, please stay safe.

Dec 5, 2022

What TV show/or Movie, or book do you binge/return to/ re-watch the most?

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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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Team Dog Or Cat? Which Side Are You On? #Openbook Blog Hop

Nov 21, 2022

Big internet fight: Are you team cat or team dog? (or something else?)

Can I just be the person who referees this one? I refuse to take sides. Over the years, we’ve had dogs, cats, birds, and fish. None of them were my favorite. (I can eliminate birds as my favorite. I hated to see them caged, and hated worse constantly cleaning up after them.)

We don’t have any pets at the moment and I’m not in a hurry to get one. I still don’t feel totally moved into our new place. If I had to choose, I’d get a cat—probably several of them. They are more suited to my personality. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Sometimes playful, sometimes snuggly, sometimes just wanting to ignore the world and curl up and take a nap. All the long hair can be a pain to clean up, but it helps to keep it in a ponytail, and I don’t think a cat would mind. Gives them an extra toy to bat around.

So, I’ll just sit over here in my spot on the couch and watch the other authors on this hop figure it out. Or maybe I’ll take a nap instead.

As always, until next time, please stay safe. 

Big internet fight: Are you team cat or team dog? (or something else?)


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Telling It Softly With Your Words #OpenBook Blog Hop

Nov 14, 2022

How do you deal with negative feedback? Do you have tips for critiquing other writers’ work?

We all love those positive reviews. You know, those 5 stars that sing our praises. The words of encouragement from a beta reader or early critique that tells us how wonderful our draft is. We also know that sometimes the words aren’t so kind.

I’m lucky because the high school I attended pushed us to write essays and introduced us to the art of making revisions. As they were schoolwork, not personal writing, I didn’t feel a huge sense of ownership, and the changes the instructors requested were part of a grade, not a reflection on my writing.

So, when I first joined a critique group, the idea of revisions didn’t upset me. It was all part of the learning process—I was a novice and ready to learn from those with more experience. Luckily, it was a supportive group, with everyone helping everyone.

It’s not always like that. I’ve been in a group with a person who seemed to get a certain level of satisfaction at tearing down other authors, including me. It took me several meetings to figure out what they were doing.

How do I deal with that kind of person? Once I figure them out, I treat them with courtesy, but don’t take their criticisms to heart. However, I search for a kernel of truth in the critiques I receive. But I also try to remember that you can’t please all the people all the time. Still, it’s not all sunshine and roses—I have received feedback that stung deeply and took some self-reflection to get past.

I also try to avoid being one of those people. How do I do that? 

The most important thing I strive for in a critique is to point out the good as well as what needs improved. Does a particular phrase stand out? Does a plot point surprise me? A character seem to resonate? Let the author know. If I can’t find something good to say, I’d rather say nothing at all.

It’s the balance that’s important. When I’m critiquing, I make it my goal to encourage, and mentor, not criticize. Yes, I will note things that can be improved, but I try to do it in a way that it builds up the writer.

How do the other authors on this hop feel about negative feedback? find out by following the link below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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Nov 14, 2022

How do you deal with negative feedback? Do you have tips for critiquing other writers’ work?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.