Because You Can’t Do it #OpenBook Blog Hop

June 3, 2024

What is the worst piece of writing advice you’ve ever received?

I’ve been lucky.

No one has ever told me that my work is so bad I should stop writing entirely. Sure, I’ve had my share of critiques and criticism, but those I can take time to consider if they help me improve,

Plus, I’ve developed a fairly thick skin. It’s gotten easier to nod politely and ignore baseless harsh words. On line, where no one can see my face, I’m free to display my reaction and delete the email or close the web page. Not as satisfying as slamming down an old-fashioned phone receiver, but not bad.

As a result, I can’t tell you the worst advice I’ve received. It’s been wiped from my brain and replaced with encouraging words.

But the journey hasn’t been all roses and sunshine.

Many years ago, when poetry was my passion, I wrote a poem detailing the mix of emotions I felt when leaving on a solo trip. A fellow poet, whose opinion I respected, commented it needed more humor. It wasn’t supposed to be funny. Yes, I gave up on that piece, but that was around the same time that poetry gave up on me.

The move to fiction was made without consulting anyone. There was no one to tell me I couldn’t succeed. I didn’t rely on advice from anyone-I just did it.

Bad writing advice? I’m sure I’ve received it, but tuned it out. On the other hand, I’ve heard plenty of marketing advice that didn’t work for me. But then, there are plenty of authors in the same boat. What works for marketing is short-lived and changes constantly. But that’s a topic for another post.

I know that some of the authors on this hop haven’t been as lucky as me. Check out their stories by following the links below. 

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

June 3, 2024

What is the worst piece of writing advice you’ve ever received?

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