Who I Write For #OpenBook Blog Hop

Do you envision a particular reader when you’re crafting your stories?

There’s this older woman, medium height, short silver hair, who loves my books.

In fact, she compared me to Janet Evanovich. Then there’s a younger woman, probably mid-thirties, with long brown hair, who has bought almost my entire collection. (And is eagerly awaiting my new book.) I shouldn’t leave out an occasional mid-twenties guy who picks up one or both of my Jake Hennessey books. I write for all of them and none of them.

I used to write for my mother. There were subplots in my Harmony series that I didn’t explore in depth because I was worried about how she’d react. She passed earlier this year, but I still find myself wondering what she’d think about what I’m writing.

But I also write for my characters. They often reveal parts of the story I hadn’t figured out. We may argue about details, but most often, they win.

Mostly, I write for me,

and hope that those readers will enjoy the stories. Maybe that’s why I’ve slowed in the speed in which I write. I’m getting pickier in my old age and stress that I’m getting details right as I’m creating. That doesn’t mean my feelings don’t get hurt when my books don’t sell in the numbers I hope for.

Writing these blog posts is different. I suspect many folks in my audience are other writers. So, I try to to share my experience without trying to look like I’m an expert. I’m not. I’m just another struggling author. But If someone can find something useful on my meanderings, I’ll gladly share them.

How about the other authors on this hop? Who do they write for? Find out by following the links below. (Most authors post on Monday, so check the page for updates.)

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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Nov 25

Do you envision a particular reader when you’re crafting your stories?