Favorite Film Genre and Favorite Book Genre #OpenBook Blog Hop

June 24, 2024

Does your favorite genre of film correspond with the genre you write in?

I can’t answer this question, because I don’t have a favorite genre of film.

If I had to pick one, it would be sci-fi. I enjoyed the Star Wars and Star Trek films. Even the Marvel films I’ve watched entertained me. (But I haven’t seen all of them.) Sci-Fi is also one of my favorite genres of books.

But as I’ve mentioned before, sci-fi is a genre I’ve never attempted to write. I don’t feel confident enough in my writing skills to make the attempt. Shoot, I felt like I was pushing it when I placed The Rise of Jake Hennessey twenty years in the future.

My favorite genre to write?

Mysteries. I love creating a puzzle that needs to be solved, and then writing all kinds of red herrings to throw the reader off. I may not even know the answer to the mystery until I get close to the end of the story. (Yes, I am a pantser. I don’t have my book plotted out before I start writing.)

But I can’t tell you the last movie I watched that was a mystery. There are plenty of TV shows that are mysteries, but movies? Maybe on streaming services, but in theatres? They may exist, but I don’t see any ads or hear any ‘buzz’ for them. (I’ve got mad skills for ignoring advertising, and I don’t watch TV.)

I also write urban fantasy/paranormal.

And I’ve never seen the Twilight movies. (Or read the books.) Same goes for The Hunger Games. I’ve read numerous other urban fantasy books, but the genre crosses into sci-fi, so that makes sense.

Let’s find out what genres of film the other authors on this hop claim as their favorite, by following the links below. (Most links will show up on Monday.)

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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June 24, 2024

Does your favorite genre of Film correspond with the one genre you write in?