Dec 23 2024
What My Characters Would Give (and Get) for the holidays?
It’s that time of year.
We’re doing the hop a little differently this week because of the upcoming holiday. Not all the authors may participate, and the ones that do may cover different topics. But I hope you’ll take the time to visit the other authors.
I’ve avoided writing holidays into my books. It wasn’t done on purpose, it just happened. I’ve considered trying to craft a Halloween story in my Free Wolves world, but it hasn’t come to life. Yet.
But what about the series I’m currently working on, The Edwards Investigations? What would Annie McGregor and Mike Edwards get for each other? (For those who haven’t read the book, the story is set in the mid-1980s.)
Annie would be easy to buy for. She’s lived a minimal lifestyle since her divorce, aware that her vindictive ex might force her to move again. Since Mike, her boss/mentor, has been there several times, he’s well aware of her lack of “extras.” Things like pillows for her couch or a set of matching glasses. Since they are friends as well as co-workers, he wouldn’t get her anything too personal.
So what would Mike get Annie for Christmas?
Knowing her fondness for Western books, Mike might buy Annie a collection of Louis L’Amour stories. She has an almost-empty bookcase, so they would be a welcome addition. Plus, it wouldn’t seem critical of the lack of personal touches in her apartment.
It might be tougher for Annie to figure out what to get for Mike. He lives a very private life, and Annie has never been to his place. But he has a Camero that is his pride and joy, and although it’s a very generic gift, getting him a gift certificate to a local car shop would be the perfect gift.
I wish buying gifts was always that easy to figure out!
Here’s wishing that you have a happy holiday or holidays. As always, please stay safe until the next time.
Dec 23 2024
What My Characters Would Give (and Get) for the holidays?