Feb 3, 2025
What’s your favorite hot beverage?
And how do you prepare it?
My beloved mother, when we were young, would occasionally make hot cocoa the old-fashioned way. You know, mixing sugar, cocoa, and milk in a pan on top of the stove. (Although she used powdered milk to make it more economical for a large family.) It was a rare treat, and hot chocolate remains my favorite beverage.
But thanks to modern technology, it’s a lot easier to make now. I simply grab a pre-packaged envelope of mix from the cupboard and go about my merry way. With some slight updates.
First, I will name names. I use the Swiss Miss brand. I haven’t tried another type I like as much.
But I make a slight upgrade. I add a little milk in with the water before I heat the liquids. (Call it two splashes worth of milk.) If I think about it, I might add a dash of cinnamon. The standard mini-marshmallows add nothing special, in my estimation.
I’ve got a runner-up,
that I probably drink more often than hot chocolate. It’s hot tea. Peach tea, to be more exact. No sugar, no milk, just a good quality teabag steeped in hot water for however long I let it sit. It’s a no-calorie, no-fuss, no effort, no guilt treat. Oh, and no caffeine, so I can drink it in the evenings without worrying about it keeping me awake. (Although I sometimes think a little caffeine at supper helps me sleep better. Weird, I know.)
What’s your favorite hot beverage? Perfect for a snowy day like today? (Or any day, really.) How about the other authors on this hop? You can find out by following the links below.
And, as always, please stay safe until the next time.
Feb 3, 2025
What’s your favorite hot beverage, and how do you prepare it?