March 3, 2025
If you had to become one of your characters, which one would you choose?
It isn’t who you think.
No, it isn’t Harmony Duprie From the Harmony Duprie Mysteries. Or Annie McGregor from The Edwards Investigations. Or even Jake Hennessey. I’ve put those characters through hell and back, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone (including myself.)
Now, I’d love to sit and chat with Harmony on the steps leading to her apartment. Or take a seat in Jake’s bar and drink a beer and shoot the breeze with the regulars. But the moments of peace that either have are limited. Plus, despite his outgoing nature and broad circle of friends, I see Jake as a lonely person. He has to hide who he really is, and has no one to confide in.
I don’t want to overlook my Free Wolves series. It’s fun to write a shapeshifter story, but I wouldn’t want to live that way, dealing with a patriarchal pack structure. Although I love my main characters in those books, I don’t want to be one of them.
And Annie McGregor from the Edwards Investigations? No, thank you. Now, it might be interesting to spend a day as Mike Edwards, her business partner. But I haven’t figured out his entire backstory yet, so I’ll wait.
I’ll take the safe route.
And pick one of my secondary characters. One of Harmony’s dearest friends, Janine Janson, is also a trained librarian like Harmony, and was hired as the chief librarian of the Oak Grove Public Library. She lives a quiet life, surrounded by books, friends, and as a respected community leader. I can see myself fitting into that life. In fact, there was a short time during which I pursued a similar career path. But I don’t see her ever writing books; she’s happy reading them.
Which characters would the other authors on this hop become if they had to? Find out by following the links below.
As always, until next time, please stay safe.
March 3, 2025
If you had to become one of your characters, which one would you choose?
Secondary characters can have so much fun, without the pressure.
They can hold hints to a new perspective of the main characters.
I loved my job in a library, surrounded by books and records. I ordered all the new cassettes and LPs back in the early 1980s.
When I worked in a library, one of my joys was going through the catalogs and picking new books to add to the collection.
I can imagine. With my job I was able to do that with the records and cassettes.
I feel similarly. I LOVE my main characters, but their lives are fraught. I don’t want to live those. @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act
I’ve had enough drama and struggles in my life, I don’t need anyone else’s!
Why do we put characters through so much hell ?
Makes the peaceful world of a librarian look so good – surrounded by books, all day, every day.. – – and facing closure ? ( Uk public libararies ‘ in crisis’ ) Promised to read and review – asap,
Sorry! I got hit with the flu this week. Catching up! To be the librarian sounds nice and chill. A solid choice!